Pulse Rifle - DESTROYED BY UPS!!! CASE CLOSED 5/18/09


Master Member
Gone but not forgotten.
So, after 6 months or so of gathering parts I finaly finished it. Here is a quick rundown on the major parts that were used-
Thompson- CyberGun
190 Round Mag- Tokyo Marui
Shrouds- Matt's, black resin
Rackable GL- Matt's, aluminum resin
PR Pistol Grip- Matt's, black resin
Stock, Vent, and Triangle- Nick's Dad, steel
Front Block- Nick's Dad, aluminum
SD Barrel- From WickNJ
Sound Sytem- ReplicantFX
Paint- Krylon Camoflague OD
Stand- Custom made cherry stand
Plaque- Pastor Jedi

Enjoy the pics everyone!














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Re: Pulse Rifle Completed!


You should pass out cigars. That is BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations.

Re: Pulse Rifle Completed!

A great looking gun beautifully displayed. Nice job.
Re: Pulse Rifle Completed!

Great job, incredible build, never get tired of seeing new pulse rifles's!!! I'm looking to make a stand similar for my piece, great job!
Re: Pulse Rifle Completed!

Very clean build. Nice work. I think I need to make one of these.
Re: Pulse Rifle Completed!

Very clean build. Nice work. I think I need to make one of these.
You have a PM. :cool

I can provide a "tracing" of each support via snail mail and basic deminsions for anyone intested. Just drop me a PM.

Thanks for the kind words everyone!
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Re: Pulse Rifle Completed!

That is sooooooooo nice.Very crisp! I don't know about the wooden stand though.. looks a bit out of place. Fantastic job on the pulse Rifle. Got to be right up there as the top Sci-Fi weapon of choice.
Re: Pulse Rifle Completed!

I don't know about the wooden stand though. looks a bit out of place.

I agree it is different. It's not how you would normaly display a gun. But, I got tired of seeing PR's just stood up on a shelf on the mag base or hanging from a metal rack. I wanted to make something classy, like a wooden ship model would sit on. Plus, I wanted something that was going to be darn sturdy enough to keep it in it's place. This thing is just north of being heavy! But I appreciate your comments. Keep 'em coming.
Re: Pulse Rifle Completed!

Just a small note- I had replaced the 5mm white LEDs that come with the ReplicantFX sound and light kit with Luxeons. I used a 3watt white Luxeon in the barrel and a red/amber K2 in the GL barrel.

I also have to say a big thanks to Matt for his awesome resin shrouds and GL. Another big thanks to Nick's Dad for his parts, espicialy the aluminum front block.
Re: Pulse Rifle Completed!

I agree it is different. It's not how you would normaly display a gun. But, I got tired of seeing PR's just stood up on a shelf on the mag base or hanging from a metal rack. I wanted to make something classy, like a wooden ship model would sit on. Plus, I wanted something that was going to be darn sturdy enough to keep it in it's place. This thing is just north of being heavy! But I appreciate your comments. Keep 'em coming.

Cool! and all the more so for the reasons above. It really looks good as I said really sharp which makes a huge difference on weapons eg. engraved letters & No. etc