PropShop announces TFA Props!

The lightsabers, dont have a limited run. I dont see any numbers. So unlimited prop replicas? So, more people can buy them, means more money. Why that gigantic price then? The star wars fandom is soooooooo big and internationnal. Why just in the USA? Is the propshop run by Donald Trump? " Star wars only for America and those crates are gonna be HUGE!". Packaging doesnt help to lower the price for sure. Those big crates, like they gonna deliver that with a parachute from a flying plane right in front of your door lolll. Seriously who cares about those? They gonna stay in a place to store them, so why make those? Only to charge us (the fans) more.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who was blown away by this crap today. I knew I'd feel better once I read the thoughts of other collectors and not just random Facebook idiots.

I'll be interested to see how this goes, and what the quality of those things turns out to be like.
Maybe they'll run a sale when not that many move. What gets me is when people complain that the Skywalker saber is not "screen accurate" do you mean not screen accurate with any of the Skywalker saber hilts used? Because even in the context of the original films there were several used and they had differences/variations with each other. Often it's difficult to see that in the context of the movie unless you get a good close up.
I dont see them long in the market. Maybe when they start with something for the masses at a reasonable pricepoint (like MR the FX sabers had).
It sounds like these are made from the same digital files and processes used to make the screen used props. How could a fan made item be more accurate?

This appears to be a much different situation than most replica prop companies. This is a real/active prop company that actually works on these real props. They will make duplicates of certain props when they are orderred in between doing their real work. They are not a replica prop/costume company.

I doubt they will make replicas of any props they did not originally make, so nothing before TFA. Since some films will be set in the OT era or earlier, some replicas from that era will most likely be sold but based on the prop from the new film.
My sentiments exactly. ...if they start kicking out highly screen accurate OT props I crave, at those prices, I might have to go into my backyard and chop down a tree...

Why? Get some good fan made OT props. Right now, in most cases, we can have more accurate unlicensed props than the licensed ones. Save your hard earned money and buy what matters, and remember you are on RPF where you can find runs of superbly accurate props, even with real parts and greeblies on them, and way cheaper than PropShop ones for sure :)
It sounds like these are made from the same digital files and processes used to make the screen used props. How could a fan made item be more accurate?

At these prices, I'd venture a guess that lot of fans are willing to go for some inaccuracies so long as the product is obtainable. I mean, which sounds more appealing? A Kylo Ren helmet that's ready to wear for only $300 at Anavos, or one that is not meant to be worn for $2,000? What ever inaccuracies Anavos' version may have, at least they're confident in their product enough to say that you can wear the bloody thing.
I'm glad I'm not a fan of TFA and probably won't want to collect anything post Lucas. This would have been awesome though if ILM would have done something like this back in the day. It is fun to see them at work, but at the same time seeing these just being printed is a let down. Where are the freak outs from fans saying this isn't old school? Because it's a digital file of course they can print more. I would have thought those prices included shipping at least!
At these prices, I'd venture a guess that lot of fans are willing to go for some inaccuracies so long as the product is obtainable. I mean, which sounds more appealing? A Kylo Ren helmet that's ready to wear for only $300 at Anavos, or one that is not meant to be worn for $2,000? What ever inaccuracies Anavos' version may have, at least they're confident in their product enough to say that you can wear the bloody thing.

These aren't meant for average fans. These are for people who have enough money to buy real props. Even the shipping is premium.

I know the real props are much more expensive.

Spending a few thousand for something to display on a shelf and $400-$500 for shipping/handling isn't for most people. There will still be other more reasonably priced options and other cheap options. Some people think $500 for a helmet is too much.
:lol Those Crates scream " STEAL ME!" to unscrupleous people! :lol

Those big crates, like they gonna deliver that with a parachute from a flying plane right in front of your door lolll. Seriously who cares about those? They gonna stay in a place to store them, so why make those? Only to charge us (the fans) more.
Why? Get some good fan made OT props. Right now, in most cases, we can have more accurate unlicensed props than the licensed ones. Save your hard earned money and buy what matters, and remember you are on RPF where you can find runs of superbly accurate props, even with real parts and greeblies on them, and way cheaper than PropShop ones for sure :)

I'll chop down a tree to take out my frustrations at such stupidity. LOL

I already have a couple of all-fan made pieces either on my shelf or in the works: An RS Trooper bucket, an ANON trooper bucket (You need one of these in your collection if you don't already have one).... and two Vader lids I'll be pretty happy with when they're finished. ;)

Although.....when the Prop Shop announces (and releases) the Rogue One Stormtrooper bucket and the Vader Helmet for $2,500 and $5,000 respectively, I might smirk. A bit...
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These aren't meant for average fans. These are for people who have enough money to buy real props. Even the shipping is premium.

But they're not real props. They're replicas! Real props are the things that were used during the actual filming of the movie. They're even advertised as replicas.

  • Own a piece of the epic saga with our exclusive, made-to-order replica of Darth Vader’s Melted Helmet from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Own a piece of the epic saga with our exclusive, made-to-order replica of Finn’s Stormtrooper Helmet from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Own a piece of the epic saga with our exclusive, made-to-order replica of Kylo Ren’s Helmet from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Own a piece of the epic saga with our exclusive, made-to-order replica of Poe Dameron’s Helmet from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Own a piece of the epic saga with our exclusive, made-to-order replica of Chewbacca’s Bowcaster from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Own a piece of the epic saga with our exclusive, made-to-order replica of Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber Hilt from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Own a piece of the epic saga with our exclusive, made-to-order replica of Rey’s Lightsaber Hilt from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Own a piece of the epic saga with our exclusive, made-to-order replica of Rey’s Staff from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Did the real props contain the authenticator chips? I doubt it.
I know these are replicas. I'm saying their targeted customers are people who have enough money to buy things like real props, expensive art, luxury cars, etc. Even the box is a premium compared to what most people buy.

There are different levels of licensed products for different customers. Look at the numerous Kyle Ren helmets being sold at drastically different prices.

How many people give a luxury car with a giant bow on it as a gift? Not many, but there are people who do and the luxury car companies advertise to them. It isn't for all people who buy cars.

These props are premium items for people who can afford them, not for the majority of fans.

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Exactly. Being from the studio shop, they're something more than the typical replica props and are aimed at a very small market. I think it would soften the blow and people would be complaining a lot less if we still had a company like MR or eFX to do the more traditional replicas.
These aren't meant for average fans. These are for people who have enough money to buy real props. Even the shipping is premium.

I know the real props are much more expensive.

Spending a few thousand for something to display on a shelf and $400-$500 for shipping/handling isn't for most people. There will still be other more reasonably priced options and other cheap options. Some people think $500 for a helmet is too much.

I would not pay this prices if I where a millionaire.Why I should pay 4000 $ for a helmet that is worth only 1000$ ???I think most rich people are not so stupid..otherwise they would not be so rich!;)
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