Prop Staff displays


New Member
hey interested in what you guys use to display your Staffs??

I have a replica Wishingstaff, and dont know how to display it, its basically a fancy bo Staff, no bulky fixtures to hang from.

Any ideas, for single display rack, vertical is more suitable.
Here's an idea off the top of my head. Look at a pool cue rack. See how it goes through a ring about halfway up, and is supported by a brace at the bottom? I'm sure you could rig something like that for your staff. Head to the hardware store and look at brackets and rings and see if you find something that'll work for your staff. Hope that helps.
thanks for the tips, have been checking out the bay.

fishing rod holders could be an option, looking for something like a vertical sword rack / rest that doesnt obscure staff or take away from the straight feature. I may have to do a home job for this one.
speaking of....what you mean you have a replica of the staff from Monkey? Wow! I'd love to make one of those. What a novel idea. Sounds cheap too lol
