Prop selling on eBay - noob question

Dark Joker

New Member
I recently tried selling a custom prop on eBay, but eBay end the auction due to a violation of intellectual property rights. The prop was 2 glass vials of green water on a metal case, being sold as "liquid kryptonite." Having seen other non-licensed/custom kryptonite props sell, I figured it was all good.

The eBay help page wasn't too helpful. I did a quick search here and didn't find a whole lot. I was wondering if any one here had had similar issues. Is there a clear line which not to cross? Or is it a grey area when you make something based on a licensed character and you roll the dice when selling? :confused
You have to say that it is "fan made" and that It's only loosely based on "what ever" oh and you can't us copy written words like "Star-Trek" look at other auctions very closely. You'll get the idea.
It really is all about both the wording and the product. Folks like Warner Brothers are as strict as they come and seem to do nothing but search for auctions and shut them down, where as Lucasfilm lets fan made stuff fly off any shelf in the world. Using Key Words in titles and such is both what gets there attention as well as a buyers attention so it is a double edged sword.
It really is all about both the wording and the product. Folks like Warner Brothers are as strict as they come and seem to do nothing but search for auctions and shut them down, where as Lucasfilm lets fan made stuff fly off any shelf in the world. Using Key Words in titles and such is both what gets there attention as well as a buyers attention so it is a double edged sword.

That pretty much answers my question. "Kryptonite", "Superman" and "Smallville" all were in the auction title. It was billed as "custom made" but not "fan made", "fan art", etc. Sounds like I was asking for it.

Thanks for the help. :thumbsup
I found this out as well, after trying to sell one of my Superman Returns "S" display symbols a year or so ago. I received a very similar message, then about a year later attempted it again, and then the same thing happened. I have pretty much accepted the fact that Warner Bros. hates fanmade Superman stuff on ebay.
Has anyone run across this type of issue with any else besides WB? It was previously started that Lucusfilms doesn't care too much. What about some of the other big ones? i.e. Marvel or Trek?
So if you use words in your auction like Bat Man, Super Man, or Small Ville, would that be a copyright infringment?
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I recently tried selling a custom prop on eBay, but eBay end the auction due to a violation of intellectual property rights. The prop was 2 glass vials of green water on a metal case, being sold as "liquid kryptonite." Having seen other non-licensed/custom kryptonite props sell, I figured it was all good.

The eBay help page wasn't too helpful. I did a quick search here and didn't find a whole lot. I was wondering if any one here had had similar issues. Is there a clear line which not to cross? Or is it a grey area when you make something based on a licensed character and you roll the dice when selling? :confused

I had the same thing happen to me. It was a colorized photo I did of George Reeves in the classic pose, but in his Brown and Gray costume. Strangely, it was pulled AFTER the auction and AFTER they had sent me the buyers contact info. Buyer never replied to my offer to still sell it to him (so it's still available....) but after writing a lengthy email to eBay they simply sent me a reply that was almost verbatim to the first one they sent.

The best I can figure is that they (WB) do random searches of their properties on eBay and inform eBay what flavor they don't like. Once eBay is informed, they don't really have a choice but to pull the auction.

In my case, I am thinking that because the photo I did was in the Brown and Gray costume, and Supermans costume is is Blue and Red, and the fact that the image is also on their Season 1 DVD box of TAOS, they didn't like it or want any confusion...

My guess on yours is the word "kryptonite" probably triggered their search software...

At the end of the day there are multiple intellectual property violations on Ebay regarding Superman, yet they don't close them all down, so I'm guessing they randomly end peoples auctions, just to show that "they're watching you".