This is sort of an odd request, but I'm building a replica Browning 30 caliber machine gun out of plastic for a prop and the charging handle/bolt needs to move back and forth to replicate firing. The ejecting shells and muzzle flash will be added in post. I worked out a pretty complicated way of doing this with an electric motor, but I no longer have the time to build the contraption that can do it. I'm hoping to gut some cheap device or toy with motorized components that I can put inside to get a rapid, horizontal back and forth motion. I'm racking my brain trying to thing of what sort of device has this motion. I once saw some cheap Chinese toy guns that actually had a slide that moved back and forth rapidly with a very simple internal spring/motor device. But I can't find these guns anywhere.
Does this post make any sense? I'm tired.
Does this post make any sense? I'm tired.