Prop Credit Cards?


Master Member
Does anyone know it it's possible to make real looking prop credit cards. I know they make them from for movies and they are real looking but I have never seen these outside movies. Anyone?
Well, if you're like me then you get the credit card offers in the mail with the fake cards in them. Just use those as your base and then use the technique described here (WARNING: MILD NUDITY ON THIS PAGE) to add whatever graphics you want.

I haven't tried it myself, but it looks like it would work.

If you do try it, please post the results. I for one would love to see how it comes out. :)

how about the new capitol one "customize your own card." Submit whatever image you want. Not sure if there are any restriction about what kinds of images you can use though. Been thinking about a weyland yutani corporate card myself ;) Anyone done this yet?

If anyone's interested, I have a couple hundred white plastic card blanks we were going to throw out at work.
If anyone's interested, I have a couple hundred white plastic card blanks we were going to throw out at work.




I want to do a few Telephonix (sp) Cards from the Firefly episode "Ariel".

I'm getting ready for work now, but will PM tomorrow for payment details-etc.

OK, wow, guess there's interest. I've been sitting on these things for months wondering if anyone here would want some.

Not sure on the magnetic strips, I'll check in the morning when I get to work.

I'll put a post in the JY so everyone gets a chance. I've got a bunch of them so I think there's plenty to go around.
I actually do them for Film/Television. It is possible, but it takes a lot of equipment most of which is fairly expensive. You can find most of it on ebay, but you need embossers, foil tippers, ways of making holograms, pvc printers etc which will all run up to about 10k. When finished they look exactly like real cards, except that the mag stripe was never programmed. Unfortunately, though I don't make them for anything but TV/Film clients to ensure that they are only used for that purpose.
also, if anyone was going to print themselves, you don't really need the mag stripes on the cards. Printing a dark brown or black looks almost exactly like the mag stripe... If anyone wants to purchase cards I usually get them from idsuperstore or any other internet source. They usually only come in 500 packs though.