Profiles in history death star section


Sr Member
I just saved PICs of the death star section being auctioned off by Profiles in History on my computer for reference. Lots of close up shots of the surface. Have identified some parts from the Airfix Saturn 5 kit. Anyone else see anything? Might be able to do a screen accurate base with the info.:cool
Any chance of seeing the pics? I've been making some of these and have ID quite a few easy bits, but good reference material is pretty scarce!!!!
Go to Ebay and look up the vendor profiles in history. They also have some excellent PICS of the Forbidden Planet ship. Thought I would get some excellent reference for future projects with my SAVE PICTURE AS function. Wish I had done it when the Temple Of doom voodoo doll was on Ebay this summer. There were excellent all around closeup PICS of it. I didn't have my labtop then.
Cool, I've saved pics too!!!!
These are the smallest, 3" 'High altitude' models, so not much use for my project, but good reference anyway. There are some kit parts that are used on the larger 12" 'low altitude' hero tiles too, like the lunar module from the apollo v (although the one I spotted on these tiles is the 'other half' of the large tile version), bits from sealab (the half round with little notches) and the Bandai 1/15 stug.! If you want to ID parts is it worth posting a picture so we can all point things out directly?
Are these the one's? Those are cool, I see a lot of stuff in there that I recognize.





MAN! These guys where single handedly supporting the plastic model industry back in the 70's. That local model store they used to raid must have thought they hit a gold mine.
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Cool, I've saved pics too!!!!
These are the smallest, 3" 'High altitude' models, so not much use for my project, but good reference anyway. There are some kit parts that are used on the larger 12" 'low altitude' hero tiles too, like the lunar module from the apollo v (although the one I spotted on these tiles is the 'other half' of the large tile version), bits from sealab (the half round with little notches) and the Bandai 1/15 stug.! If you want to ID parts is it worth posting a picture so we can all point things out directly?

So each tile section is 3"x3"? Anyone know what they made the base tiles out of?
REL. You should probably Edit the link out of your post as it is a live auction. I know it's probably outside most of our means, but rules is rules. :lol
Most of the tiles were made out of a urethane foam (similar to A/B Foam) that was used in prosthetic limbs. It is fairly dense, but still lightweight. The natural color of the foam is a dark brown. I've seen a low-altitude tile up close, as well as these tiles that are up for sale. (I saw them at Richard's office when they were covered in cobwebs from 30 years in storage.) I took some detail photos before they got shipped off. I'll post some if I can find them on the other drive.

OK, here's the deal - these are some photos I took of Edlund's Deathstar section just after he pulled them out of his garage. Complete with 30 years of dust, cobwebs, and dessicated spiders (that are out of scale). All that was done to the section was a general cleaning. We didn't repaint anything or replace the pieces that were missing. I didn't get a chance to go back with my camera before they got shipped out, so all I have are these dusty photos. I, too, was surprised by the presence of model kit parts on the surface, as I was under th impression that ALL the tiles came out of one of 6 molds. The parts I touched seemed like they were kit parts taken from the model box and glued to the foam. You can see some chips and breaks and see the foam peeking through.

The third and fourth photos are cropped - they go right next to each other.

The photo with my foot in it is one of the low altitude Detahstar trench tiles. It measures 24" square. That tile piece (which is not Edlund's and not up for sale) is made out of a different material than the medium and higher altitude tiles. It has a different look on the back side. It's entirely possible they used two different types of materials.


Interesting fact about the last pic is that about 3" has been trimmed off the 'bottom' edge of the tiles!!!
Found some more death star tiles on the Screenused prop site. I feel if we could identify a few more parts. We could build even more accurate death star bases.