Professional Journal Props


New Member Doctor Who The Journal of Impossible Things & Mini Sonic Screwdriver: Toys & Games

From Doctor Who. The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones (9781416563150): Henry Jones: Books

From Indiana Jones

Dr. Halsey's personal journal - Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, Reach, and more

From Halo.

I own them all. I love the fact that somebody put the effort into making and for that matter publishing these things.

I haven't looked through the forum yet, but this looks like the place to ask: Does anyone know where I can find anything similar? Journals in particular, and available for purchase.

A couple folks on this board have taken a stab at a more accurately sized Journal of Impossible Things from DW, and there's also a River Song diary that is pretty nifty.

A couple of GREAT replicas of the Grail diary from Last crusade also. I just picked up one of Sarednabs, and it's amazing. Highly recommended.
The Project Work Bench: Indiana Jones Grail Diary