I used the "buy it now" option in the junkyard. The seller told me someone was ahead of me asking about shipping, then refunded my payment and sold it to someone else. I didn't think this was fair considering the way it's setup. Perhaps the seller should state how much shipping would be, or an approximate. That way the buyer is informed and the sale of the item goes to whoever taps the "buy it now" option. I know the way things are setup is new but I feel they could be improved to be more fair and hold people accountable.
I agree that shipping can be the make/break on a deal especially for overseas or large items. A rough estimate of shipping to the US and Europe would be enough I think to prevent a lot of problems, and also assure that the seller wouldn't suddenly expect an exorbitant fee. I think the first person to click 'buy it now' should have first choice.
Now having said that (and this is completely my two cents).... I has a situation in the old Junkyard that I think was somewhat similar. I had listed an item, and when I had checked the site the next day I'd had several hits. Of those were two immediate messages, perhaps 10 minutes apart; the first said they were interested, but wanted more pictures. The second said ' I'll take it, what's your Paypal'.
I messaged the second guy with my paypal, was paid within the hour, and was done with it. He he said he would buy it, he needed no other info, and it was the logical choice for me. I had priced low, wanted to move the item, and did not want to potentially lose a buyer while going to take more pictures/etc for a 'might buy it' person. Is it the way ideally I'd have liked the sale to go? Of course not. At the same time though, it was my item to sell, and I sold it to the person who was the first to figuratively 'show the cash'.
I'm all for the buy it now, my only concern would be if people abused it (click and
then ask a bunch of questions,haggle,etc).