POTC3 props at the El Capitan...?


Master Member
Sorry for the inevitable tease, but no photos from me -- I missed it.

Did any of our SoCal representatives make it to this prop display?
My wife and I went in - I'll try and get a few pictures up this afternoon.

Please, please, please!

Jack's hat?
Jack's pistol?
Jack's compass?
The circular map?
Norrington's sword?

None of these were at the same engagement for the second film, many still in use by the production at the time...
This is what I have pictures of:

2 of Jack the Monkey's outfits
The bowl of the Pieces of Eight
Jack's Compass
The Dead Man's Chest
Elizabeth's Pirate Lord King outfit
Empress Junk Model (boat)
Pirata Codex
Jack's costume (no hat unfortunately)
The globe the swords were stuck in (no swords)
Will Turner's outfit (pre-ending)
and the pre-show organ player.

Apparently there weren't the specific hero swords or I would have photographed them.
This is what I have pictures of:

2 of Jack the Monkey's outfits
The bowl of the Pieces of Eight
Jack's Compass
The Dead Man's Chest
Elizabeth's Pirate Lord King outfit
Empress Junk Model (boat)
Pirata Codex
Jack's costume (no hat unfortunately)
The globe the swords were stuck in (no swords)
Will Turner's outfit (pre-ending)
and the pre-show organ player.

Apparently there weren't the specific hero swords or I would have photographed them.

Damn.... NO swords? You cant have a prop event for a movie like pirates without at least ONE sword ya know.
Oh! ok... just random background character props. I just assumed there were none since you also said the globe had none as well. Anyway, a few pics of those wouldve done nicely too. They mustve been REALLY bad looking.
I took a ton of shots of the pieces of eight bowl and contents. (as many as I could get through the glass.
I also took a couple of Beckett's little toys :) (the mini men and ships.)
Jack's flag from the end was cool to see, as was the Pirata codex (which I couldn't seem to get a good shot of.

EDIT: btw, the only compasses on display were two stunt versions with painted on inlays.
Could anyone post the pictures of the Compass and the Pieces of Eight? Even if the compasses are the stunt versions, I'd still be interested to see them... :)
I'd love to get the full res shots of the Elizabeth Pirate King costume. :) I'll host them all if that helps.



