POTC OST Chalice Yahtzee

it just showed up and it looks 1:1, its pretty freaking awesome, im not sure the purpose of it yet . . . the movies not out yet, but it's awesome and it's going on my pirates shelf!
I don't have the game, but I heard that the Chalice that comes in the Yahtzee game was molded with a hole through it, so as that it really won't hold any liquid. Probably because it's made out of some obnoxious toxic plastic that one really should not drink out of!?!

aliencollection.com posted some pictures in this thread
of the display at ArcLight Sherman Oaks cinema. I found some links and
posted some pictures there.

The "real deal" Chalice.

There is also a prop one coming out with the costumes and such for Halloween this year..hopefully the Yahtzee one is Aqua the prop one De Vida.. ;D