POTC - Elizabeth Swann rum island shift (pics added)


New Member

I'd like to sew this dress for me and my boyfriend's sister for some enjoyable pirating without uncomfortable costumes :)
Some dress where you're not afraid of water or sand or dirt...

here are some reference pics of the dress:

I found these patterns only but there might be a better one...

any ideas?
Thanks a lot

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Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

Note: to load the pictures, you have to hit the reload button when you encounter the server error.

As to the dress? Yummy. Keep us posted on progress!
Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

Thanks for the information about reloading the site.
My boyfriend told me last night he couldn't load the pics. I wanted to fix the links this morning - but everything works fine on my computer... :confused

Well... I am putting the pics on my webspace and edit my first post :)
Should be working then...
Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

I believe there was a discussion of possible patterns to use on the potccostuming Yahoo group.

Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

It is a shift. In theory. Its a very stylized shift made to be more form fitting and sexier for the film. One of the patterns you already linked is actually very close in shape to what she is wearing.
Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

What the h... is a shift? I just look at my keyboard and think "shift".
... just kidding. My dictionary gave me about a hundred different meanings of "shift". And finally a meaning that fit my post :angel

I had a look on nehelenia patterns - they sell historic patterns and therefore patterns for a shift. But they look very wide and I wouldn't like to change the pattern that much.

Do you know any companies that provide patterns (general, costuming, ... whatever)? I only know burda, butterick, kwiksew, simplicity and nehelenia patterns.

I believe there was a discussion of possible patterns to use on the potccostuming Yahoo group.

I searched the group but couldn't find any information about possible patterns. Just some ideas about what kind of fabric to use. Thanks anyway... :)
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Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

A shift is an underdress. In this period, and many others, clothes weren't laundered like they are today because people from the middle-class on up wore clothes that were not launderable. People wore undergarments like a shift (for women) to act as a barrier between their skin and their brocaded silk gowns. The shifts were usually made of linen because of its ability to absorb moisture and could be laundered on a regular basis so that the fabric your skin touches is somewhat clean.

Now that we have the history lesson out of the way... Simplicity actually makes some decent patterns in their costume selection. I still think your best bet is to use that one you already posted as a base. There would be very little in the way of changes to be made. The shape looks about right. You won't get that shape from a real shift pattern as they are usually fuller. Its like I said. The movie dress is a stylized version. They took a sexier cut of dress pattern and made made it look like a shift.
Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

I suppose I am going to use the simplicity pattern.

Other ideas still welcome... I won't be starting till July due to my studies.
Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

Here we are. The dress hasn't been weathered yet - it's going to become dirty on its own in two weeks on our next event. :rolleyes





Yeah... it's not the correct pattern - but I still like the dress :angel

I'll add some new pics as soon as I receive them.
Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

Kiera Knightley eat your heart out!! :love
Re: POTC - Elizabeth Swann island-dress - sewing pattern needed

I agree...you have done a great job on the shift and look beautiful. Well done:)

We used the simplicity-pattern. 'We' means I did my best understanding the English (and Spanish) in the pattern's sewing description - totally ignoring it in the end due to a lack of understanding... (I've got my problems with German descriptions as well...)

'Elizabeth' (that's not me) did most of the sewing after I showed her how to do it.

The fabric is from the German Tedox
That's a cheap store where you can buy wallpapers, carpets and fabrics for curtains or upholstered furniture.

The dress was about 24 € (+ 3 € for the pattern that I re-used for my own dress afterwards). Cheap costume :)
Who mentioned that the movie version of the "shift" was made sexier and form fitting on that skinny girl Kiera? I think not!

This one is much better! Great job!