Plecter labs Blaster core???????????

Perhaps a better question, is what would someone have to do to make a customizable electronic light and sound unit for props to not be accused of stealing from Hyperdyne?

Or is it that simply the concept of customizable electronic lights and sounds is ripping him off?

Hyper says erv is ripping him off but I have yet to show any factual proof of this, so for now its all just hear say he says.

Buy from the person you want to but with how hyper belittles people I wont buy from him.
Personally I don't care who makes the products that I want..

Erv, Ultra, Hyper, Mako, MR, Hasbro, etc etc etc...

Patent or not. If your product is not available. Then people will buy from whatever resource IS available. Supply and Demand is not an old concept.

Comment to Hyper - WE are aware this is a contentious issue. This conflict has been going on for way too long. If you have a valid patent, drag EVERYONE whom you think is and/or has infringed upon it into court and settle it once and for all. Posting negative comments in threads directed at your competition or upon unsuspecting members does nothing to raise support for you. It only serves to further strengthen the animosity felt toward you for posting such repetitive rederick and tarnish your reputation.

For the greater good, you boys need to settle this and leave us out of it. Provide the products we want and you will be paid for your wares.

This has been going on for a while, and I have yet to hear what exactly was "stolen".

Board design? Code?

Or again, is it just the very IDEA of a customizable light and sound system?

Hyperdyne makes great product, but he's been the only game in town for quite some time. I could understand that he would be touchy about competition.

I just don't understand why the response isn't to lower price or improve product, but rather to throw around unproved accusations.
From my understanding its anything that involves sound + accelerometer.

Which brings up another point, wii remotes, they use an accelerometer and sound so why isent hyper going after nintendo?

By the way, hyper hows that monopoly comming along? you know thats illegal right?
That was on Erv's old board which he never sold to anyone in the US respecting Hyper's patent. His new Core's do not use the same tech as Hyper's so I believe the issue between them is over.
Personally I don't care who makes the products that I want..

Erv, Ultra, Hyper, Mako, MR, Hasbro, etc etc etc...

Patent or not. If your product is not available. Then people will buy from whatever resource IS available. Supply and Demand is not an old concept.

Comment to Hyper - WE are aware this is a contentious issue. This conflict has been going on for way too long. If you have a valid patent, drag EVERYONE whom you think is and/or has infringed upon it into court and settle it once and for all. Posting negative comments in threads directed at your competition or upon unsuspecting members does nothing to raise support for you. It only serves to further strengthen the animosity felt toward you for posting such repetitive rederick and tarnish your reputation.

For the greater good, you boys need to settle this and leave us out of it. Provide the products we want and you will be paid for your wares.


I couldn't have said it better myself. Your product has been far less than stellar by everything I've seen and nearly never available. Its hard to come by electronics for sabers and your pathetic attack on anyone trying to compete with you is sickening. So as what has been said...put up or shut up. Let the hobby thrive and leave the general population out of it.
That was on Erv's old board which he never sold to anyone in the US respecting Hyper's patent. His new Core's do not use the same tech as Hyper's so I believe the issue between them is over.

This thread is all too typical. Newbie asks about saber sound boards/blaster sound boards/any tech Hyperdyne has developed. Designed to bait. Might as well start at thread that says, "Erv is cool Hyperdyne Hypes". (Which BTW has been done already on YouTube) Simply designed to rewrite history. Is anyone surprised sskunky joined a year ago? Something definitely smells skunky.

Tetmatek, with all due respect, you need to do some more homework. Or simply do more due diligence before you may inadvertently spread something false. Unless that's your intent? In addition Erv is not stealing from you so I don't see how you have the last call on whether it's still an issue or not. I doubt you are a federal judge. Are you? There is a mountain of evidence that Erv's old board and current board was sold in the US. Also Erv's current board still uses an accelerometer. It's not whether I believe or not. You can physically see it on the board. Just like Ultra would lie and say his board doesn't use an accelerometer, but a "velocity sensor". But you can physically see it on the board. Just ask I'm sure you know who he is. Edwin's a respected Intel engineer who can tell you if any of Erv's boards were sold in the US and if his board still currently uses an accelerometer. Two facts that you need to recheck.

Nintendo makes sure they design their products to not infringe on an existing patent. If they can't get around it design wise they have to pay for the use of said technology if they want to use it. Missing an existing IP during the R&D phase does happen. That's why situations like this exist.

Erv's product still infringes. He may claim that he went through the due diligence to make sure his product doesn't infringe, but it's still infringing. Because actions speak louder than words.

Can't wait for the next "innocent" :angel thread to start. :rolleyes
This thread is all too typical. Newbie asks about saber sound boards/blaster sound boards/any tech Hyperdyne has developed. Designed to bait. Might as well start at thread that says, "Erv is cool Hyperdyne Hypes". (Which BTW has been done already on YouTube) Simply designed to rewrite history. Is anyone surprised sskunky joined a year ago? Something definitely smells skunky.

Tetmatek, with all due respect, you need to do some more homework. Or simply do more due diligence before you may inadvertently spread something false. Unless that's your intent? In addition Erv is not stealing from you so I don't see how you have the last call on whether it's still an issue or not. I doubt you are a federal judge. Are you? There is a mountain of evidence that Erv's old board and current board was sold in the US. Also Erv's current board still uses an accelerometer. It's not whether I believe or not. You can physically see it on the board. Just like Ultra would lie and say his board doesn't use an accelerometer, but a "velocity sensor". But you can physically see it on the board. Just ask I'm sure you know who he is. Edwin's a respected Intel engineer who can tell you if any of Erv's boards were sold in the US and if his board still currently uses an accelerometer. Two facts that you need to recheck.

Nintendo makes sure they design their products to not infringe on an existing patent. If they can't get around it design wise they have to pay for the use of said technology if they want to use it. Missing an existing IP during the R&D phase does happen. That's why situations like this exist.

Erv's product still infringes. He may claim that he went through the due diligence to make sure his product doesn't infringe, but it's still infringing. Because actions speak louder than words.

Can't wait for the next "innocent" :angel thread to start. :rolleyes

Are you suggesting that I started this thread so idiots like you can come on them and tell me why I joined this forum?:rolleyes
I joined this forum so I could gain more knowledge into my hobby. I mainly make and collect Star Wars props and the blaster core was/is going into a blaster that I am currently building.

I DIDN'T start this thread because I want to start trouble thank you very much so unless you have something constructive to add or have a soundboard for a blaster I suggest that you go and troll someone elses thread.:angry
This thread is not about the Hyper/Plecter IP issue, that needs to be resolved somewhere else. If Hyper has a legal claim he can take it up with Plecter, and Plecter is not a member here for us to start another thread to openly discuss it.

I explicitly came in here and told all parties the following a few days ago:

Jim, I think you summarized your point well, I dont want the original topic of the thread to get derailed and since you are out of stock lets make sure we can find some alternatives for the member.

So anyone else knows who else makes electronics for blasters?

If Hyper and Plecter are not viable options for one reason or the other, this thread is better utilized addressing the original question which is what are the other alternatives then?

This thread is all too typical. Newbie asks about saber sound boards/blaster sound boards/any tech Hyperdyne has developed. Designed to bait. Might as well start at thread that says, "Erv is cool Hyperdyne Hypes". (Which BTW has been done already on YouTube) Simply designed to rewrite history. Is anyone surprised sskunky joined a year ago? Something definitely smells skunky.

Tetmatek, with all due respect, you need to do some more homework. Or simply do more due diligence before you may inadvertently spread something false. Unless that's your intent? In addition Erv is not stealing from you so I don't see how you have the last call on whether it's still an issue or not. I doubt you are a federal judge. Are you? There is a mountain of evidence that Erv's old board and current board was sold in the US. Also Erv's current board still uses an accelerometer. It's not whether I believe or not. You can physically see it on the board. Just like Ultra would lie and say his board doesn't use an accelerometer, but a "velocity sensor". But you can physically see it on the board. Just ask I'm sure you know who he is. Edwin's a respected Intel engineer who can tell you if any of Erv's boards were sold in the US and if his board still currently uses an accelerometer. Two facts that you need to recheck.

Nintendo makes sure they design their products to not infringe on an existing patent. If they can't get around it design wise they have to pay for the use of said technology if they want to use it. Missing an existing IP during the R&D phase does happen. That's why situations like this exist.

Erv's product still infringes. He may claim that he went through the due diligence to make sure his product doesn't infringe, but it's still infringing. Because actions speak louder than words.

Can't wait for the next "innocent" :angel thread to start. :rolleyes


I said I believe it was over, but I stand corrected. TAKE A BREATH MAN I can admit that I was wrong and I now know their problem it is not. Nobody here trying to start anything negative or cause an increase in blood pressure.

You want a cheap blaster core that does any blaster sound you can put in

I use these along side a MR board in my Blount Bong Saber. I record my self blowing through a straw so I can have the bubble sound effect in it with the MR saber board. I call it "Bubble Core".
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