Please sign the petition for Back to the Future NIKE sneakers


Master Member
Al Cabino, the guy who started the Back to the Future NIKE sneakers petition has been in touch with me and has asked me to encourage all the Back to the Future fans here (that means about 99% of us) to sign.

Please go to and do your bit.

You have the option of making your email address visible to all, visible only to the petition author, or not visible at all.

Anyone who is either unfamiliar with these sneakers or just needs a refresher, go to this thread in the Costiming forum:
The owner of the petition emailed me to ask where I saw it; there must have been an upturn in signatures.
"It is the strong belief of the undersigned that these future NIKE sneakers would be immensely popular and not only boost NIKE's sales but gain new fans of the NIKE brand. "

You might want to tell Mr. Know the Nike Market so well not to be so presumptious about this multi-million dollar statement. If I were Nike, I would read that much and probably walk away laughing.

I am not trying to be cynical, but there are more politically delicate ways of asking for something- perhaps asking for further research to be done, or perhaps even just asking to speak to a product manager might be a good start.