Pixar's Up - Dug collar for Dog costume


Sr Member
I was running some ideas past my wife last night about possible costumes for our dog, and the idea of Dug from Up came, well, up.

While our dog wouldn't pass for Dug specifically, he could pass as an 'extra' dog, as there were lots there...:)

So, all he would need is the collar (and perhaps a cone of shame :lol....maybe not)

So, the ideas starting running about what the collar could do, if anything was possible...

1. Either a static collar that perhaps just lit up,
2. or it could have a speaker and a sound board w/ all of Dugs voice recordings and it would play at random or with a push of a button from a remote
3. or it could have a speaker that is tuned into a wireless mic that I could carry that I could speak through the mic (w/voice changer?) and have it act like the our dog is talking and responding...

just throwing out ideas...

But, we'd have to start with the collar and all the little greeblies on it.

Appears to be a leather collar, with a dial, red LED light, small speaker, side TV monitor, and a pouch.

Any ideas?
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I thought about making one of these for my Golden Retriever, but I know nothing about leatherworking. :/
Here's some other pictures that may help; I'd love to see what is done with this if you do it.
You could always get one of the jumbo talking Dug plush toys as a base. At least you could salvage some of the electronics, since they are already pre-recorded with his voice.

I was thinking the same thing for this year and found your post. I was thinking I could use an IPOD from the headphone jack down a wire attached to the leash to a small speaker in the collar. Decorate it tp look like Dug's collar. Then create a play list with short quotes the dog could say. you could quickly scroll to what you want the dog to say on an IPOD. Did you do something since your post? :confused
Bumping an ancient thread; relevant content to add for anyone searching...

Made a Dug collar for a friend a few years ago. He had a big fuzzy dog suit for Halloween and asked if I could help Dug-ify it. Plopped this out in just a few days:

Talking "Dug" Collar - YouTube

The meat of the electronics is an Arduino Pro and an Adafruit Wave Shield for audio. Amplifier and LCD were extracted from an a portable iPod speaker and a photo keychain, respectively. Glove uses magnetic Hall effect sensors and is all epoxy potted (needed to remain sweat-proof under the costume paws).

Video contains the only in-progress pics I have, unfortunately.

My favorite bit of a project like this is finding the right Greeblies on short notice. Most came from a local electronics junk store. Then the speaker grille was a modified lid from a kids sport bottle -- but since then, have noticed the lid on certain parmesan cheese shakers would be just about perfect. The dials on top of the video box were the most challenging...what I ended up using were just the tops of caps from those little airline booze bottles!

The lens over the LED is not very satisfactory, but is the best I could do on short notice. 3+ years later, I spotted what I'm certain is the exact model they used for inspiration: the door closing lights on the San Francisco BART trains (aka 'A.D.A. lights'). Haven't been able to locate the source for this exact one yet. But I'm positive that's a visual match.
Neat idea...loved the flic and have friends with a dog who do as well...look forward to other ideas.


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