Pip Boy 3000 Scratchbuild- a few pictures


New Member
Hey. Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games. I'm sure every fan of the game has once wished for a real one. The amazon version is pretty cool, but I don't have the money for one, plus I've always enjoyed building my own props. So here's what I've been working on.

These pictures are only from the beginning of my project. I have to get the rest off of the camera. I've made a ton of progress since these were taken. For reference, Ive used shots from the game, as well as pictures of the amazon pip boy. When it came to any discrepancies between the two, I went with the in game design.

Also I've been using Stephen's (Skruffy) build up thread. I really liked the way he did his electronics inside and it's been an inspiration for me throughout the build. He's also given advice and help, so thanks Stephen.
















It's a bit rough around the edges, but it's getting there. Any questions are very welcome. I'll try and get the recent pictures up soon.

Wow, it looks like you're off to a strong start. What material is that you're using? Cardboard? Particle board? Thank for posting.
Ok, I thought I had more in progress shots, but I couldn't find them. These are some I took in the last couple days.

Sorry for the picture quality. I had to use the cheaper camera
Yeah, I'm using mat backer board and hot glue












I had an old xbox headset, and thought it would make a great sound setup. It's got a rotary volume wheel, and a jack that can be used to connect to my mp3 player. A free solution for me. I'll have GNR and maybe some Enclave recordings playing. The sound will be controlled by the scroll wheel to the left of the pip boy's screen.


These are for the front 3 orange lights.


I couldn't find a cheap solution for lighting online, so I decided to build my own backlight. The plastic screen is actually from a laptop. It diffuses the light pretty well. I know8 or 9 led's seems to be overkill, but I had them and figured I'd use them.

I've since found an ultra bright green led from a nighlight that will work better than this setup. I'll keep the screen, and swap out the lights.


All of the lights will be controlled by this switch. This'll be the knob on the bottom left of the pip boy.

I think that's it for now. Let me know what you think.

I have to ask, is the metal sleeve i keep seeing inside the pipboy a tin can? That's not a bad idea for structural integrety and to be honest after you put this over a sleeve or something its going to fit better even if its loose on bare skin. I really like this build.
Yeah, part of it is a soup can, and the other is a small cardboard oatmeal container. The build overall is fairly sturdy. I'm planning on putting padding inside to keep it firmly seated on my forearm.
lol. I had to laugh a bit at the soup can given how many rusty cans there are in the game, reminded me of a repair job they could give you to do.
ha, it's funny you mention that. I always like to think that I'm a wasteland wanderer and that I'm repairing my pip boy at my workbench. I'm like an adventurous version of Stanley
I'd like to make a couple pipboys as i have the Art of fallout 3 book (2 copies actually) and i'd love to make some of the mockups they had in there of other versions of the 3000. I'm not costuming as a fallout 3 character but one from the original game but its the same pipboy as near as i can tell.
I'd like to make a couple pipboys as i have the Art of fallout 3 book (2 copies actually) and i'd love to make some of the mockups they had in there of other versions of the 3000. I'm not costuming as a fallout 3 character but one from the original game but its the same pipboy as near as i can tell.

actually the fallout 3 is quite different from the original fallout
This is what we saw:

some people belive this one was handheld and not strapped to the arm
like this 3d rendering

Im a fan of the concept art for the unfinished fallout game Van Buren
ouch shows you how long its been since i played the games. Have to say the wrist units are handier. Now i'm tempted to make a pipboy 2000 lol. Its one of those oddities between the originals and the new one along with why all the guns are totally different. I write it off as being some parts of the country preferred other brands lol.
it's nothing odd. The original games Pipboy is a Pipboy 2000 and the f3 is a Pipboy 3000

Naw i meant technology from the first game to fallout 3. not all vaults must have gotten the 3000 just like some areas have more advanced guns than in the original games. Anyhow I can't wait to see how this built turns out. Sorry about hijacking it slightly lol
Some days I don't turn the laptop on ,

other days I just go online to play tower defense games ,

on most of my days I come here and see a few cool things, but nothing really out of this world.

Today isn't one of those days.

Thank you for making this day special (y)thumbsup:thumbsup

Beautiful work, please keep us updated .