Pics Request - E-11 Folding Stock Mount


Sr Member
I am scratching a PVC E-11, and I could use some detail pics of the rear mount where the folding stock hinges. I used 1/2" rod (acrylic), but shattered that after opening the stock :lol. I think the construction would be pins of some sort in the fork of the folding stock which click into place in a metal rod just behind the grip.

Any pointers, from those with real ones, would be mucho appreciated.

Thanks Batman72!


I see your point about shooting it through my pvc receiver. In the example it looks like the center bar is mounted via machine screw to the receiver. I was expecting the crossbar to be welded to the transceiver.. interesting.

I know how the folding stock locks into the front of the transceiver, but who does it connect to the rear of the SMG in the cap. I was thinking it would have to have some "play" in the center mount which allows the stock to hyperextend into the slots/grooves in the rear cap.

- DM
There is some play with the end cap on the reciever. You can push it in just enough to allow the stock to fully extend and let it out to catch the 2 nubs on the inside of the stock arms.

As far as the hinge mount. Depending on the exact model/variant of a real sterling. It is either just silver soldered/brazed like everything else is that's attached to the reciever or some early models had a small spot weld to initially hold the mount on so it didn't move in the brazing operation. On a PVC blaster it is easier to dremmel or if you have one of those 1.5 inch drum sander bits for drill press to just shape the hinge bar to the reciever tube and cement it on; then just fill with JB Weld so you get something solid for screws to bite into to screw the stock on and use as a hinge pin
Cheech and Rocko!

Thanks gentleman, that solves the riddle for me.

Rocko, gorgeous pics. I was actually missing the notch in the foremost hole of the receiver.
