Pic of my old man costume from Mardi Gras


Sr Member
I had so much fun, but didn't get a chance to take pics. Luckily someone else did.

I was a miserable old man. I kept yelling for people to get out of my way, and people did. All the while saying "sorry sir" "have a good mardi Gras" etc.

I had a walker and stopped traffic a few times for fun. I also passed a whole bunch of breakdancers and did the wave with them.

This is a silicone mask from Real U masks. I put it on at home to see how good it looked and it scared the hell out of the wife and her cousin that was in town. they thought an old guy got into our house. My wife said she couldn't see me in it at all.

Good Times!

You know "The Player" reminds me a bit of Wesley Snipes' "BLADE" but the nose is off. Might be fun to be a better looking Blade than some black costumers!
I want to try it out at a Denny's and see if I can get the senior discount!


You could try to talk to people about your life" I remember when i was young... " Even if they dont want to hear them.

Be a really annoying old man.

Next time try the In Bred mask and see what type of reactions you get!

Must be fun portraying someone old and seeing what you can get away with!
They have arms in the works. I won't be able to afford them, I got a good deal on the mask. That is the one thing that didn't match.

As for hot, I did sweat, but it was nowhere near as bad as you would think. I wore it for a good 10 hours. Having it so close to the face, it was real easy to breathe and drink.

I think I am going to wear it to a bar on a random day and see what happens. I definately got away with more than I could have as my normal self.
As for hot, I did sweat, but it was nowhere near as bad as you would think. I wore it for a good 10 hours. Having it so close to the face, it was real easy to breathe and drink.

I think I am going to wear it to a bar on a random day and see what happens. I definately got away with more than I could have as my normal self.

Holy cow. Well, just don't let the strippers touch your face! :lol
LMAO....I want one of these now! :D

EDIT - Someone needs to do a Hellboy mask like this. These realy do look great, I'd love to see/buy a Hellboy one....
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