Suggestion Petition: Let's have a vehicle replica sub-forum

Just wanted to let you guys who have suggested a vehicle forum know that we haven't forgotten you. We almost have a system worked out for additional forums.
With the number of KITT and General Lees alone that I've seen at the 3 car shows I've been to in the UK, I think there's enough replica cars out there to justify it.

I myself have a couple of things in the pipeline and a friend of mine has a fully working HALO Warthog!
Yeah, I'm signing on to this. I'm fairly new and I was surprised there wasn't a vehicle forum. Even just to, as has already been stated, talk about which vehicles and drivers were in what and how they did it. Great idea.

Any word on if this will become a possibilty here?

Car show season will soon be upon us and all these
replica's will making there way to the streets.

So I thought I would bump this up and check on it. :)

Sorry. I promise we aren't simply pushing you off. We are trying to get a number of things in place and simply haven't made this one a priority. We could just slap the forum in place, but what we are trying to do on the back end is create a system in which we can "test" a new forum, see if it maintains a level of activity worthy of being a top-level forum, and having a plan of reabsorbtion if it doesn't. I know that sounds relatively simple but we have a whole list of things ahead of it. We haven't forgotten you.

Sorry. I promise we aren't simply pushing you off. We are trying to get a number of things in place and simply haven't made this one a priority. We could just slap the forum in place, but what we are trying to do on the back end is create a system in which we can "test" a new forum, see if it maintains a level of activity worthy of being a top-level forum, and having a plan of reabsorbtion if it doesn't. I know that sounds relatively simple but we have a whole list of things ahead of it. We haven't forgotten you.


No need to be sorry. I just thought I would do a check in on it and see how things were looking. I have no doubt that putting together a forum isn't an easy task. I know I wouldn't know how to.

Keep up the great work. Hopefully this is something that will come about in time. I think it would be a great part of this site.

So who`s got a replica ALIENS APC then?? HAHAHA

Seriously this is a great idea & I`d love to see some of the replica`s. Bring on the Judge Dredd Lawmasters :D

We are keeping this in the back of our mind, but at this point are keeping it on hold for now. We are very hesitant to add new forums and only want to add new forums if there is a large enough base of people to support it. While the replica vehicle group is a considerable group, we are not sure there is enough to warrant their own forum at this time and the last thing we want is to create a new forum and get two new posts in it a month... and I am afraid that is more or less what would happen.

We aren't throwing the idea away, but just not sure if now is the right time for it.

Don't let the lack of a specific forum for replica cars throw you off! Feel free to show off your Mustang in theReplica Movie Prop forum!
I'd be all for it if really filtered out vehicles from the Prop forum but just as in the Costume and Modeling subsections you end up with people cross-posting to both those and the prop section as it get's the "lion's share" of the posts and views.
The same people who argued to have those subsections are some of the same that end up cross-posting and arguing that "It really is a prop so I posted it here."
I'd be all for it, as soon as things get into better shape around my city, I plan on turning my car into the original Mach 5 from the cartoon, or maybe even the Mach 6 from the movie.
I'm interested in this idea. I have three movie cars in my garage (two Herbies - one Ex-Disney Horace villain vehicle and one car cobbled together from stunt car parts on a replica body, and a James Bond Tomorrow Never dies BMW replica), one in the driveway which is being put in running condition for a friend (a secret for now), and another which makes frequent visits for some major engineering work (transforming Knight Rider Super Pursuit Mode). So if I inflate my ego enough I guess we can add five cars to the list of what would be represented here.

There are a lot of fantastic single-car message boards and resources out there that I read/participate: - The Ultimate Herbie Community (Herbie the Love Bug)
welcome to knight rider online (Knight Rider)
1989 Batmobile Replica | For All Your Batmobile Needs (Batmobile - Keaton cars and others)
The 1966 TV Batmobile (Batmobile - TV version)
... Plus several BTTF and General Lee boards.

But there really isn't one over-encompassing forum for all of the movie car guys to swap tips. The closest I have is the LA organization I belong to, Star Car Central (Star Car Central) which is more of a social group and car listing than a nitty gritty parts and details discussion forum. When we get together we concentrate more on having a good time and supporting charities than trying to find the correct whoosits or bits to bolt on a specific car.
