Paper Props Sub-Forum

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Well-Known Member
How do I find the Paper Props forum?

It used to be listed in the quick links section at the top of every page, then after the forum update in mid-December, it disappeared.

I read in the update from the RPF staff that the Paper Props forum is now a sub-forum of the Replica Props forum; but, I don't see it anywhere, nor do I see any way to access it.

If someone would be so kind as to point this noob in the right direction, I would be grateful. PM is okay if you wish to keep the info from those that don't need to know. :)

Thanks in advance.
if you go to the home page on the list of the forums....if you look here in the Replica Forums box, there is a link, it says Paper Props forum and just click on it
if you go to the home page on the list of the forums....if you look here in the Replica Forums box, there is a link, it says Paper Props forum and just click on it

Thanks. I tried that earlier, but to no avail. Here's a screenshot of what I see. Am I overlooking something?

try deleting your Cache...that should make it so you can view it... if you cant see it still, try clicking on the PROPS,COSTUMES, and MODELS link at the top of the main forums.
Thanks for the suggestions. Tried both of those and still no luck.

Can you give me the direct link to the forum?
Perhaps it is invisible since even though I have the minimum amount of posts, I have not been a member for 90 days? Prior to the site upgrade, I could at least see that it existed. Now, I cannot see it anywhere at all. I've posted a similar note in the Questions and Suggestions forum.

Thanks again for your assistance.
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