Painting a Super Star Destroyer Model


Well-Known Member
Im about to paint a Super Star Destroyer model, but I am unsure which colors are appropriate. Screengrabs from ESB/ROTJ show it as a more blue-grey than regular star destroyers, but before I start spraying id like other peoples opinions.
You didn't say what size your model is... will make a bit of a difference as to whether you can use something right out of the bottle or close to, or need to lighten it for scale effect. Anyway, your observation's dead on, it's quite a different color and value. Also, if it's lit, and where the lights are, will change the perception of how light or dark the areas around the lights appear...
Size will matter. It has always looked darker to me than a regular star destroyer.
Maybe a medium grey with a little blue mixed into it....
Originally posted by Thrawn@Mar 28 2006, 06:23 AM
Sorry, it is a 12" model. It will not be lighted.
As it goes some say the SSD Executor is just grey, but she does have a blue hue in any pic ive seen, i was going to use wat i mixed for my TIE bomber on my 36" scratchbuild when i get round to ever carrying on with it.

the color i mixed on the bomber

maybe ill mix in more grey when i ever get back to this, its not on the money, but it was never meant to be Executor, just an SSD.
looks like scale solutions from austrailia,if not then I apologize, but thats where I got mine, also got the eclipse star destroyer.
guess a pic of what i did would help. the eclpise is all black, have since painted it, just left it the resin color so it can be made out better.
Yes, it is from Scale Solutions in Australia, its a very nice model. Picked it up on Ebay for much cheaper than he usually sells for on his website (It is not a recast, it came directly from him....)
my photohosting got hacked so my photo will be gone if anybody wants another look he's gotten the whole thing redone so I can reshow it if necessary. he does really nice work, wonder if he'd do the outrider that dash rendar flew.
Well I finished painting it up today, im not %100 happy with the color of the dark grey bridge area, anyone know if paint thinner will eat Resin? Heres how it looks right now:
I'd like to give that a big thumbs up, looks good to me. hope you can get the paint the way you want I've never messed with that kind of stuff.
I think it looks great.
Don't try stripping the paint. Instead, just very lightly airbrush a mist of the lighter hull color over the darker grey to tone it down a little.
I think it looks great.
Don't try stripping the paint. Instead, just very lightly airbrush a mist of the lighter hull color over the darker grey to tone it down a little.

I think that looks fantastic, and what Jay said dont strip it, just kinda preshade the main hull color over your grey "cityscape" area, itll give a wicked sense of scale and shadow. :thumbsup
Personally, I love your color choices. I would DRY brush some lighter shades over the darker to pull out some of the detail in the model. I think it has a very solid look to it and should appear more complex from a distance. Some dry brushing just might do the trick.
Thanks for the comments guys, Ill try the Dry brushing suggegstion, im pretty new to painting things though. The colors I used were, for the dark grey cityscape part, Tamiya Dark Grey (had it left over from a Bismarck Kit), and Dark Sea Grey mixed with Light Blue.
Animetronic-PM Sent
Another tip on the dry brushing is try not to go with too bright on the color. Take the Tamiya Dark Grey and brighten it a few shades so that the areas you dry brush don't pop out so much that you start picking apart the brushing textures. If you think it can go brighter you can do layers of dry brushing but a gradual approach worked best for me the last time I dry brushed a hyper detailed miniature.
I don't know how it will look on a mechanical surface, rather than organic. I hope it doesnt look stupid. The model is so cool. Have you ever considered getting small star destroyers to display beside it?
I considered it, but the smallest I can find is the Galoob Micro Machines one, which just looks goofy next to the SSD, as the SSD should be about 17x longer than it. I might scratch build one some day out of plastic scraps or something...
the executor is 5 star destroyers long, the eclipse is 2 executors long. I used 4 of the metal star destroyers, they look cool next to it.