paint stripping question

Wes R

Legendary Member
I just got a prop gun in that was painted by the previous owner. The person i'm giving it to wants a custom paintjob so i want to strip and repaint it. The question is what is the best way to strip what appears to be model paint (from the thickness of it) from resin without melting the resin? I was thinking simple green if i can find it locally but wasn't sure.
I just got a prop gun in that was painted by the previous owner. The person i'm giving it to wants a custom paintjob so i want to strip and repaint it. The question is what is the best way to strip what appears to be model paint (from the thickness of it) from resin without melting the resin? I was thinking simple green if i can find it locally but wasn't sure.

I use Easy-Off oven cleaner for taking off enamal paint from styrene kits. Just spray it on and let it sit for a few hours. It works great but I don't know how it would affect resin. Could test it on a piece to find out. Hope that helps
that was fast lol. yeah i used to use that to strip the chrome off parts when i built kits. i forgot about that because i need to strip a helmet too.
Gastrol Super Clean, also called Purple Power. Excellent for resin pieces. Just fill a container and submerge the piece overnight and you should be able to rub it off with a tooth brush in the morning. The kitbuilders over at theclubhouse all use it with great results.
Gastrol Super Clean, also called Purple Power. Excellent for resin pieces. Just fill a container and submerge the piece overnight and you should be able to rub it off with a tooth brush in the morning. The kitbuilders over at theclubhouse all use it with great results.

That has always been my go to choice, one thing I suggest after stripping in this stuff though is to soak overnight in clean clear water to make sure any cleaner that leached into the surface comes out... I do this because I have found on some occasions it slightly softens the surface on some plastics, soaking it overnight in clean water restores the hard surface if it was to happen...
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Simple Green works almost as well as Purple Power if it's more readily available to you. Purple Power is usually a little cheaper per gallon, though, and any auto parts store worth its salt should have it on the shelf. In either case, do as exoray says and soak the piece in clean water afterwards. Your next paint job will thank you. :)
does anyone know how to strip paint from latex props ? i.e. i have some part of my Xeno costume that were painted with enamel spray paint ( by the previous owner ) and the paint is cracking from everywhere

i was able to remove the paint on one part by spraying Easy-Off oven cleaner on it and hard brushing the paint away. but i don't know if the latex will decay in the future.
i'll have to check for power purple as there is an autostore in town and 2 others farther out.
that works i can have my dad get it at 10% off lol. Plus he'll probably find a use for it too. this is a good hobby to have if you know folks who work at stores with discounts
Walmart didn't have power purple but i went to autozone and they had it for 13.00 for 2.5 gallons. that should last a long time lol.
Walmart didn't have power purple but i went to autozone and they had it for 13.00 for 2.5 gallons. that should last a long time lol.

It goes even further if you put the part in a ziplock bag, and only pour in about 1 cup of the purple power then squish out the air and zip it up so that, that 1 cup of liquid submerses the entire part...

Either way yes it's cheap stuff in the end, and reusable as well...
yeah i plan on straining it once i'm done to extend the life. i went for the giant jug since there is a ton of things in this house that need cleaned.
Please keep me posted on how it goes. I've seen other people strip resin kits and licensed paint jobs with this and it was quite spectacular, but I've never had the opportunity to try it out myself, as I haven't found anyone carrying it here.
Yeah i was telling a buddy of mine who does custom action figures about it but I'm not sure if they have it in Canada where he is.
yeah , we have Gastrol Super Clean and Spray nine available in Canada, looking at Canadian Tire or Walmart or some hardware store ...

last Sunday ,i tried to strip paint on latex part with Spray Nine .. but it's doesn't work.
actually walmart didn't have super clean but it turns out they have the small bottles of power purple