Question Outdated ads?


Master Member
Hey guys,

I'm sure you don't have much control, if any, over what ads are served to the RPF membership. I know many of the ones I see are dictated by my browsing history. However, I thought I'd mention that I followed through with the deal offered on a banner this morning only to find out that their 65% off offer was expired. If this banner can be taken out of the rotation, it's time...

- D
Sounds like something being served up via google adsense which we don't have control over. :(
I keep getting ads that are geared to me - Mainly local motorcycle training schools, even though I already have my licence!!
I figured as much, Art - thanks for replying!

TM - if you don't want those targeted ads, delete/clear your cookies from your browser. You pick up cookies as you browse the internet and those are what the google adserver is reading in order to tailor the banners they display to you.