Obi-Wan Kennobi lightsaber


Well-Known Member
HI, I need Pic of Obi-Wan Kenobi lightsaber episode the revege of the sith ( disassemble) all the parts of the lightsabre.

bigcow :)
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Search the junkyard. Nicksdad did a run of these a few months back and there were lots of disassembled pics. Or PM Nicksdad directly?
Here's my Nicksdad saber before assembly:
TridCloudwalker , wow nice, but I am look for a hollow one, so I could put a sound card.


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Awesome pic, TridCloudWalker.

bigcow, a hollow Obi ROTS will be hard to find. I haven't seen one (film accurate) anywhere, actually. There are the MR FX hilts which can fit soundcards, but obviously they are far from proportionally accurate. If you do find one, let me know!

The other concession to consider is that a saber with a soundcard implies that you are going to want a blade attached, and in the case of the Obi ROTS (or any of the similar grenade sabers for that matter), the neck and emitter are too thin to accept the LED, optics, and deep enough duelable blade holder while still remaining film accurate.

There was a sabersmith on FX-Sabers with a converted Parks Obi ANH with a 3/4" blade, but I can't recall if it had a soundcard in it yet...

'Not to say a close facsimile could be made (modified TCSS MHS or an extended emitter), but it wouldn't approach the accuracy of, say, the scale/proportions of TridCloudWalker's saber he posted.

Good luck on your search..
Who has Obi saber ROTS Blueprint that can post it or send it to me.

bigcow :cool
Big thanks to you Anakin Starkiller cool blueprint. WOW TridCloudwalker dose it have a sound card inside and thanks for the pics.


Nope, no sound card. It's just a static display piece. I'm making a hollow Ki-Adi Mundi lightsaber though that you could add sound and a blade to:

I'll be making different sabers in the future too. I'm not sure if I can do a hollow OWK RotS saber though. I'll see if I can come up with something. My next saber will probably be an Anakin AotC, and that will be hollow.
Yes, so cool Ki-Adi M sober, but right know I have 2 in mind Obi ROTS and a custom one.
Have you look at the post (REPLY) #8 these two links, I see it could be done.

Yes, I have seen that saber and video before. He modified an existing saber. If I make one, I'm going to have to design it from scratch. I'm sure it can be done, but I'll need help, and I have other sabers to make first. I am keeping the OWK RotS in mind though.
a hollow Obi ROTS will be hard to find. I haven't seen one (film accurate) anywhere, actually. There are the MR FX hilts which can fit soundcards, but obviously they are far from proportionally accurate. If you do find one, let me know!

While it may not be ideal since it's plastic, the Hasbro electronic Obi ROTS could be the base of a functional saber, as it's already hollow. Replace the neck/windvane/emiter assemblies and the pommel and modify the activation band and it could work.
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all the difference is between the rots and the anh version is the clamp with some minor work you could just switch them over is that an idea that you would want to do
remember anything is possible here is an el setup with sound

as the owner of the saberkit in the link that LDM did it is the best and most accurate belt hanger with fx i have seen check out a place called its the mkiii i got one used out of the junkyard and the rest is history good luck in your search

goodman is that goodman from lajedi whats up you know where to get an OWK if this is the goodman im thinking of
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