Obi Wan ANH Hilt - The best out there?

Stay away form Parks. There are still people waiting on orders from YEARS ago.

The parts offered here are your best bet.
The Parks is HIGHLY inaccurate. I understand the Russrep parts being made are about the best that are available at this time.
It's barely hard to dig up all those threads. Should I contact himself or aren't they still available?
Russ offers really amazing and accurate parts. You can contact him here or look for his ebay auctions.

You might also try a WTB in the junkyard for Roman's parts, also very accurate and will make for an awesome saber. Roman's a member here but does not post much anymore and shut down his site, but his parts are well worth looking for.
Still waiting on a grenade, too. Supposedly the 2nd wave of steel grenades will happen after the pommels which seem to have fallen by the wayside for some reason.

USPS seems to have dumped mine in the depths of the abyss...or customs took it.
Every now and then, a member here makes a "run" of a specific part. There have been many through the years, as more discoveries have been made about the original parts.

I think there are several Russrep Obi-Wan parts in the Junkyard right now even. Serafino's "gear"/"booster" is exactly like Russreps. Most of Roman's latest parts are very accurate, but older revisions of some parts pop up in the JY now and then that are not as accurate as his later ones.
Among the older second-hand parts, I believe that a "chen" grenade is considered to be as accurate as Russrep's or at least as Roman's latest.
Then there is Obee1's emitter, whose dimensions were based only on pictures. It came right before the discovery of the real thing -- and then we saw that the dimensions were correct to within a millimeter.
Rebelscum's calculator bubbles are more accurate than any other replica.

If you are on a budget, a fair price for a second-hand Parks saber would be around $100, not more than $125.
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As inaccurate as the Parks is, it's only 50% on the total saber.

A fantastic outstanding weathering job can pull a Parks saber into awesome lightsaber territory.
Parks is not perfect and it also seems that quite a few members here don't vouch for his ethics - so maybe caution is advised..!?. I acquired a Parks from a member here and modified it extensively and although there are a few small things I will still change, it works for me..:)

Because of the work I do, I have had direct access to many of the original props and in some cases (especially the older one's), the rigours of filming has taken its toll and they can really look shocking now.

I always liked the MR weathered version and even with its inaccuracies aesthetically, I think the interpretation of what we remember from the movie is what some of us admired in the MR release. Ironically, even George seemed to think so because he has a MR weathered saber (not an original) on display at SkyWalker Ranch alongside numerous genuine Indy props, other SW props etc. etc. as well as others displayed on coffee tables, fireplaces and desks upstairs in the hallowed confines of the main offices..

This is my Parks, weathered and modified:


THAT is the best looking parks Obi I've ever seen. Very nice!

I've really enjoyed being around through the years to watch Serafino Roman Howard etc. etc. etc. worked to bring the found parts from unknown... to found... to almost perfect replicas... to where we are now.

It is surely a great time to be building one yourself if you strive for accuracy! :)

If you just want a "close enough" saber its STILL a great time to be looking for one, cause lots of people are upgrading their old sabers or building new ones of there own.

Just be patient and keep your eye out in the junkyard for any parts that aren't currently available.
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I agree.
Mark, that's the best looking Parks version I've ever seen too.
Great work!
I agree.
Mark, that's the best looking Parks version I've ever seen too.
Great work!

James, OldKen and Howard - thank you very much gentlemen. Your knowledge about these things far surpasses mine and I value your opinions - after all the only thing I have to do, is draw and paint them.. :lol

I've Updated the pic with a better selection and hopefully this will assist @Andymac84 with his decision - good luck mate.
