Non cannon v prop


Sr Member
This was inspired by the harry potter stamp i saw the other day
it is not finished but if anyone has comments on how to improve it please let me know


thanks to whackychimp for the hosting :)
Nice. Clever, too.

The current 'normal' stamps of England are very minimalist: Example.

The current 1 pound stamp is just a variation of the above; purple colored with "£ 1.00" in the text spot.

Suggestions: give it a dark colored background, with white text. If you wish.

I really like V for Vendetta, and I loved all the work that was put into the futuristic production design. Hell, there might even be stamps, I don't recall seeing any, just all the BFC boxes.

I might just have to make my own crazy postage now :)

Yeah i know
i am from wales which is part of the uk
but i will change the one pound to first class
thanks for the link to the stamp
and the ideas
feel free to download the stamp and
give it out freely :) :) :)
You don't have to change it...

... Now this is getting me started thinking about the Norsefire money :) ....

It's too bad we haven't seen any V props — for sale or otherwise. Looks like next to nothing 'escaped' from the production.

The DVD comes out August 1, and the big book comes out August 22... I hate having to wait. There had better be some good production art in there.
