Nintendo switch

The fact that you could get one at Target 3 days after launch says either Nintendo got its act together with shortages or they didn't have the rush they used to for the system. I'm for sure getting one just not now. My complaint is the controller prices, their controller is 30.00 more than a ps4 or an xbox one controller. Actually for 10.00 more I can order a custom xbox one controller.
The fact that you could get one at Target 3 days after launch says either Nintendo got its act together with shortages or they didn't have the rush they used to for the system. I'm for sure getting one just not now. My complaint is the controller prices, their controller is 30.00 more than a ps4 or an xbox one controller. Actually for 10.00 more I can order a custom xbox one controller.
Im still torn about this thing. My friend got one over the weekend, no preorder, just a walk in, and he loves it. But he loves everything and has nothing to say about anything negative about ANYTHING so I dont really trust his opinion. I want nintendo to strive for a larger consumer base, not picking up the scraps left over from MS and Sony. That being said, if this does well, it will just reinforce their current philosophy of gimmicks instead of just making a strong console with a normal controller. Im not one to play games on a tablet, and the thing looks to wonky to want to play with it. I wanted it to fail so they would learn their lesson, but it looks like its not going to so that kind of sucks. I dunno, I have never had such mixed feelings about a console before. :lol
I have to admit that being able to use the wiiu controller as a portable gaming device was fun as i could play some games on it while also watching tv but the thing only had an 8 foot signal so i couldn't take it to the kitchen to play while baking in the winter. It was great for Deus Ex's inventory and hacking though.
does TRU have these things in stock?

not sure why i'd get one but i have not missed out on a nintendo console yet

Doubtful that anyone has any in stock right now. I had preordered two from GameStop prior too launch day (one for each of my children). Everything I have heard from friends who did not preorder, as well as a web search showed no one with any in stock.

Looks like the next preorder will be for Easter. BTW, my children, who do have XBOX, Playstation, Wii, and WII U, absolutely love the Switch.
The fact that you could get one at Target 3 days after launch says either Nintendo got its act together with shortages or they didn't have the rush they used to for the system. I'm for sure getting one just not now. My complaint is the controller prices, their controller is 30.00 more than a ps4 or an xbox one controller. Actually for 10.00 more I can order a custom xbox one controller.

Nah, the guy at Target said that they, and he had heard several other retailers, had held back half of their shipment to put out on Sunday because they were in the sales they had 10 of them out at 9am, but when I went back to Target with my wife a few hours later they were all gone.

So basically, the retailers took it upon themselves to split up their stock to have some to sell on another day.

While I was on my way to Target to get it I had my wife call Walmart to see if they had any, and Walmart told her they weren't expecting any more until April.
A few tidbits.

I'm seeing reports about sales topping initial Wii movements, which is probably due to Nintendo getting a ton of units out in the wild if I had to guess.

I went in on the 2nd and the gamestop guy told me the preorders were long sold out but that they'd have additional units if I wanted to put my name down, so I did. Got there at 11:30 like he told me to and walked out at 12:20 with my console and a copy of Zelda - though they did sell out of (admittedly overpriced) pro controllers before I got up to the counter.

The Switch does what they tell you it does and feels like a nice expensive piece of tech rather than the kind of cheap plasticky feel of the WiiU gamepad. The Joy Cons aren't my favorite thing in the world though, so I'll be getting said overpriced pro controller for home use sooner or later.

The UI is clean and pretty snappy, though options are slim currently.

Zelda harkens back to the first 8-bit game in a way I didn't think they could pull off and is just as good as the reviews say it is. But, if you're not a Zelda guy it won't change your mind either. If that's the case your software options are limited at present.

I'm really happy with the purchase so far and can't wait to see what else the nintendo guys come up with.
I have to admit that being able to use the wiiu controller as a portable gaming device was fun as i could play some games on it while also watching tv but the thing only had an 8 foot signal so i couldn't take it to the kitchen to play while baking in the winter. It was great for Deus Ex's inventory and hacking though.

Whereas I hated Deus Ex for that. I didn't want to keep switching my attention from the big screen to the small one.
Looks like there's been some issues with the units from dead pixels that nintendo claims are intentional to just plain not working right. I think I did a good thing skipping the first generation. I learned my lesson from my original Playstation going wonky never to buy a console at launch.
But you know that the specs will come in far below the PS and Xbox every time. It's time to change that.

Specs are hardly an important factor in determining a great system, let alone the games that it plays. While I cannot fault anyone who's looking for the next 'wow' factor in games, I personally would rather have something that's fun than breathtakingly beautiful. Snipperclips being a really good example of simplicity packaged with a ton of variety. It was the first game my friend and I got on the Switch's E-Store and it was perfect. It didn't need a super Xbone specs to pull off everything that makes this game great. And Breath of the Wild is still looks and sounds wonderful.
Looks like there's been some issues with the units from dead pixels that nintendo claims are intentional to just plain not working right. I think I did a good thing skipping the first generation. I learned my lesson from my original Playstation going wonky never to buy a console at launch.
This video compilation revealed other problems beyond mere dead pixels.

Anyway, I haven't played one yet but did see a friend play that new Zelda for a bit. Not a fan of the 'impressionism' art style which Nintendo attempted in the previous Zelda game but seems to have actually succeeded with it in this one. So kudos to them.
Specs are hardly an important factor in determining a great system, let alone the games that it plays. While I cannot fault anyone who's looking for the next 'wow' factor in games, I personally would rather have something that's fun than breathtakingly beautiful. Snipperclips being a really good example of simplicity packaged with a ton of variety. It was the first game my friend and I got on the Switch's E-Store and it was perfect. It didn't need a super Xbone specs to pull off everything that makes this game great. And Breath of the Wild is still looks and sounds wonderful.
Yeah but its kind of like a iphone game on steroids. Its fun for a bit, but then loses its luster/replay value in my opinion. I do really want to play breath of the wild though, looks awesome. Sure as hell not buying a switch though.
This video compilation revealed other problems beyond mere dead pixels.

Anyway, I haven't played one yet but did see a friend play that new Zelda for a bit. Not a fan of the 'impressionism' art style which Nintendo attempted in the previous Zelda game but seems to have actually succeeded with it in this one. So kudos to them.
Which game are you talking about? I was a huge fan of windwaker but this one just looks so green and bland.

Btw, are there many dungeons in this? All of the gameplay ads make I look like it all takes place in the same open world

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Yeah but its kind of like a iphone game on steroids.

I think you're being pretty disingenuous on that assertion. Basic game controls for the iPad are essentially 'touch the screen' and 'rotate the device'. Not only does the Switch have both of those features, it also has two analog sticks, eight standard game play buttons, four side mounted triggers and four misc system buttons. Sure, there are great games that you can play on the iPad, but I don't think anyone here will argue that Breath of the Wild would control better on an iPad. I actually tried Resident Evil 4 on the iPad and after 10 minutes in I never played it again.
I think you're being pretty disingenuous on that assertion. Basic game controls for the iPad are essentially 'touch the screen' and 'rotate the device'. Not only does the Switch have both of those features, it also has two analog sticks, eight standard game play buttons, four side mounted triggers and four misc system buttons. Sure, there are great games that you can play on the iPad, but I don't think anyone here will argue that Breath of the Wild would control better on an iPad. I actually tried Resident Evil 4 on the iPad and after 10 minutes in I never played it again.
I was talking more about the premise of the games, not the controls. 1-2 switch is just a see who can wiggle it the fastest, arms is just a throw your arms out kind of thing, and snipperclips is just a mini game for the most part. So far the only immersive actual video game is Zelda. Which is fine, Im just not going to shell out that kinda money to literally play ONE game.
I think 1-2 switch is meant to be nothing more than filler until they get a new Mario party out, that's a big seller on the other systems and given how crappy the launch list is they needed a party game to get people's attention to the features so they made something super fast and cheap.
There are some aspects of touch I like, but maybe it's because of where my gaming roots lie in controllers that the physicality of buttons are just more a sure thing to me. Touch controls can tend to miscalculate quite often and makes it really hard for consistency.

I grew so frustrated at a couple iPad games trying to help my son out on a rather complex part of a Lego game that was just not responsive on the timing I needed to get right, where as the same game played on a console I had no trouble with.
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