New theme


New Member
I am working on a new theme from scratch. I was going to donate the batman theme in the other thread but I cannot because someone offered money to buy it. This one is generic and has no theme. Just another dark theme for the RPF!

Here is a messy sshot to see where its headed. This is not clear and just added content to give an idea. Coding it now. The real image is more crisp not sure why its coming out so "blurry".

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Wow, great work! Is this style based off the default style? I'd like to only change code from the default style and have it propagate to the other styles.
Is this style based off the default style? I'd like to only change code from the default style and have it propagate to the other styles.

Its just a skin like any other. I am assuming you mean hacks and such? This skin only uses the header, footer, and forumdisplay. Everything else is in tact.
Glad you like it! I am finishing it up very soon. Once done I will start working on a lighter theme for the forums.
Great looking new vision for the board, seams to have a combination of influences from several sci-fi classics - Aliens, Predator, The Fly (1st Remake).
Does anyone have a VB forum they can give me admin access to finish the skin? My license expired so I cannot use mine anymore. The price is 100 bucks and I dont want to order another license just to finish this.
Maybe a collection could be taken from all the members in order to purchase the software, I'm sure there would be enough people willing to chip in and when spread out over enough members there wouldn't be a dent left in anyone's wallet! I think it was looking really cool and it would be a shame if we weren't able to use it after all your hard work! :unsure


Yes please someone because this is great stuff. I'll definitely use it. :thumbsup