New Smiles


Sr Member
Okay, I dont want to get flamed but I did have a question. Can we get maybe just one or two Movie or Prop related Smiles?

I have seen R2D2, Batman, Indiana Jones, Blade - just all kinds of awesome Movie related Smiley Faces.

Yeah, I can feel the flaming coming on, but wouldnt a lot of people just love a few cute little movie related smiley faces for our posts?
Here here, well spoken!

Okay, since the consensus now, if I reason like our Government, is that EVERYONE wants more Smiles, what do we do? has some AWESOME ones. There is a smiley with Indy's hat and whip, there is The Emperor with Force Lightning coming out of his hands, there is Chewy break-dancing, there are so many awesome ones. Star Trek, Aliens, Hellboy, Batman.... great smilies all over the place.

I know, we could be talking about world peace, but how can we neglect the smileys!
We have quite a few, but could always have more. ;)