Suggestion New section proposal: Prop Electronics


Master Member
*Not sure if is this section to post this...

With all the props over the last few years getting more complicated and detailed.. many users seek out electronics kits to make their static props 'functional'.

I have read many, and posted many electronics threads myself (with huge viewing counts)... so I feel this is a topic many like and benefit from..

Does it warrant it own section?

I know with the Predator merge thats even more people looking to add electronics to their costume/props.

Not a 'for sale' section (per se`) there is still the classifieds section for those sellers... but a place to share, talk, post links/resources..etc dedicated for the electronics aspect of these props/projects..

I think that's a great idea! Especially with the tech changing constantly it would be a great resource.
Totally a great idea a specific section for a specific task in detail revolving electronic kits or anything that may fall under the subject. Also it be great to see tutorials for folks building a specific prop/replica. Having a source that providing step by step on how to make a specific project a functional prop. Many Artisan here do at times include a step by step guide on how to make something work. Which is fantastic and comes in handy for sure.
I would love this. I am at the moment trying to figure out my first foray into Arduino and am finding it very stressful. I am trying to "program" LED strip to pulse to voice and having a very difficult time with it. This is definitely out of my comfort zone and would love a place here to go and ask for help.
** Make a post on the Arduino project... I can probably help **

PM link to thread.. I'll chime in with questions!

Are you using a WS2812/Neopixel (or DotStart) approach? (ie: individually addressable?)

Or a all-in-one LED strip type? (maybe RGB.. but as a whole. not individual leds/colors..etc)
I would love this. I am at the moment trying to figure out my first foray into Arduino and am finding it very stressful. I am trying to "program" LED strip to pulse to voice and having a very difficult time with it. This is definitely out of my comfort zone and would love a place here to go and ask for help.
** Make a post on the Arduino project... I can probably help **

PM link to thread.. I'll chime in with questions!

Are you using a WS2812/Neopixel (or DotStart) approach? (ie: individually addressable?)

Or a all-in-one LED strip type? (maybe RGB.. but as a whole. not individual leds/colors..etc)

Yes please!

Lacking a dedicated section, I am also in the process of experimenting with Arduino and would love to see what others are doing and possibly collaborate

There is a General Modeling thread here as well

Also.. there could be a dedicated 3D printing section in there as well..

I see TONS of 3D printing posts looking for help/feedback (settings for slicers, mods..etc)

Resource Forum
* Electronics Help
* 3D Printing Help
* Graphic design questions/help?? (I see Illustrator/Photoshop posts a lot as well)
I love adding electronics and think this is a good idea, but I can see how it might not get as much attention as we'd hope. The folks doing kits typically sell them, the folks looking for help typically go to forums where the community is more knowledgeable. Might just end up being a relatively dead subforum with a few semi-active posts for the common kits or diy options.
I would like to express my support for both a prop electronics section and a prop 3d printing section. Times are a-changing, gotta keep up or this forum will cease to be relevant.
I just think it 'adds' to the already great offerings/resources here.

More knowledge/help/tutorials/DIY all related to our common interest (props) :)
Think this is a great idea
Would love to learn some of this stuff to.
I'd love to see this. My electronics ability is less than zero, but I so WANT to add a mic and speaker to some of my helmets, and wire LEDS with something other than a single 9v battery (I know it's wrong, but I don't know why, or what to do to do it better.) All the basic physics stuff of batteries in series or parallel, watts and amps and volts etc fell out of my head a long time ago. Would love some examples of how other folks do it, even if it just feeds my envy.
* 9v batteries (rectangle ones in the US) are known for low current.. so they dont power many things for very long. (so people dont like them/see them as wasteful)
* 9v batteries (rectangle ones in the US) are known for low current.. so they dont power many things for very long. (so people dont like them/see them as wasteful)
See, that's a helpful hint, right there! Once I figure out bundling AAs, I can rewire my dalek and remove the three 9v batteries powering different things!
First and foremost..

What is the voltage requirement for your 'project' to run? 12v? 9v?
Well, you see, that's a good question. For one, the Dalek ears, I'm lighting two LED flashlights, which would usually be run on three AAs each. The other is a colour change LED (single LED) that was run on some sort of those tiny watch batteries. I like using 9v batteries because it's so easy to see which is positive and which is negative, and no other bugger in the house uses 'em,, so they're always around. But the voltage requirement for each thing? Not a Scooby Doo, I'm afraid. Don't even know enough to be dangerous....