New memberships


Active Member
Hi! There are quite a few people over the Dented Helmet who would like to join the RPF. Is there any news as to the dates when new members are allowed to join?
There are some members whose account was probably suspended due no activity, and they would like to re-join the fun.
I PM'ed Treadwell on this, but noticed that he has signed himself as retired moderator. Therefore I thought that I'd ask this openly as well.
I did try to search for this, but found no threads.
Can anyone help me to help them?
Cheers, Ville
I think membership registration opens every 3 months or so, there's usually a thread announcing when it's open.
As far as i know members are never culled for lack of activity.
The last opening was in the summer, July/August? Would there be a possible opening come next Janyary? Are the openings announced beforehand, and if so, how much before?
Well the staff can tell you when the next registration period will be, there's normally a thread in the announcement forum when it's opened, as for how long before i'm not sure.
Thanks synasp. The information has been forwarded over to the TDH. Expect 'few' new recruits over there in January.
Is open registration still going ahead? Doesn't seem to have been activated yet.
Got a friend that registered several days ago
but cannot post yet ?

Anyplace here I could ask what his status is ?


is his name here..

THANKS.. :thumbsup