New Luke ROTJ V3 project

Y'know, I said I wasn't going to start getting all the various iterations of lightsabers and try to stick to just 1 or 2 per character \film. Then I recently pulled out my copy of the LFL Archives book and started staring at the picture of Luke and Vader's lightsabers. Started thinking I'd really like a v3. So, this couldn't have come at a better time! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Definitely up for this Starkiller, looks amazing as always....also up for a hero and V2 if and when you get around to more of those eventually, love your work!
So, almost once a week, I get an e-mail asking if I'm going to do another v2 run. "Not right now," is what I reply. This is why. I have another Luke rotj/OWK anh project that I've been tinkering away at, and I thought some of you might be interested in checking it out.

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No Way Do Not Want GIF

I cannot possibly buy any more lightsaber hits.
No, definitely no.
I mean, I can’t possibly way. I’m out.
OK, yes, I’m definitely interested. Count me in. :)
Any time point figures for the release of this? I’m assuming after your episode 8 hilts sell out but wanted to be prepared.