New Luke ROTJ hero lightsaber model-Check out pics

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
So here are some pics of my 3d model of the Luke ROTJ hero model.
This is an uber accurate design, very unidealized compared to a MR, complete with unevenly spaced and assymetrcial grips, accurate length, assyemterical pommel cubes, and propper tri-ring hole placement. You can compare this model to the original with the pics here
Let me know what you think of the design, and PM me if you'd like to know more about this project.


Dan Stokes
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Yeah, I did one of those a while back. Although the only "off" part I made was the grips.. I left the rest of it symmetrical. I had to repeatedly explain the grips to the people on the 3D forum, though (that they were SUPPOSED to be like that), along with an assurance that I would create an idealized version later on. Which I never did.. LOL.

I need to update my 3D saber collection at some point.. I have a half-finished Obi-Wan ANH saber from a while back.

What software do you use, by the way? I use LightWave.
I designed this model in a machine shops's proprietary system so that I could have a real life model (or a few) produced with relative ease.

Yeah, you can export models from LW to do that, too, but you have to model for it ahead of time. For example, my mesh is far too "thick".. the cylindrical portion is 120 sides, far more than a CNC machine needs to generate a perfect circle. And all of the edges on mine are rounded off, which would probably just piss of a CNC machine, seeing as how they're only rounded for the look during rendering and not for any sense of accuracy. :) And some parts of it, while they appear accurate, aren't. The pommel cubes, for example, are separate objects on mine that simply intersect the main cylinder. They look like they're one piece, but they're really not. If I were to make it for a CNC machine, it would have to be one solid mesh for each component I'd want the machine to make. Luckily, I haven't had to really model anything specifically for CNC yet. I consider it a great combination of my two biggest hobbies... prop collecting and 3D.. I make props in 3D! :)

Nifty project, though. :) Be sure to update us if you end up making some.
Here is another picture for your consideration. I tried to do a straight on comparison shot. However, the program I'm using renders the model with a different "lense" Than that used in this photo. However, I think that you can still get the idea from this pic.

Here is another picture for your consideration. I tried to do a straight on comparison shot. However, the program I'm using renders the model with a different "lense" Than that used in this photo. However, I think that you can still get the idea from this pic.


Wow 155 views and 2 responces. Was it something I said?
I'm seeing that it looks like your neck it a little too long compared with the pic.
Also some of the horazontal spaces of the emitter are also a little longer.
Thin the emitter a bit.

Thin the ledge beneath the windvane.

Hey Dan,
I would be interested if you were thinking about doing a run of accurate Luke ROTJ Hero hilts capable of housing electronics. I'm ready to sign up for your V2 hilt run that you have going and if this were to be your next project for 2018, sign me up for that as well. Any thoughts on doing this?
I can’t get the pics to load. I’ll try on my machine at home later. I’m interested in this project.

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Depending in cost I might be interested I have your v2 saber and it's amazing! Need a hero saber to go with it.