New Custom Sonic Screwdriver by Simplyprops


Master Member
Everybody has THEIR prop. The one that they google search a few times a month. The one that they have multiple replicas of. The one that they carry or covet or can't stop thinking about.

For me it is the classic sonic screwdriver. I have toys, wood replicas, metal replicas...I can't stop. Then I found a custom design by an artist from down under that goes by the name of Teletran:

sonic screwdriver diagram by ~teletran on deviantART

Such a perfect fusion of old, new and unique was too amazing to pass up. I contacted him via a forum we both belong to and got his permission to have one, just one, and only one made for myself. Around that time Straker posted his brag thread about his custom sonic made by Simplyprop.

I threw the dice and opened a dialog with Simply about the design. He loved it, felt it was a serious challenge to his skills with the use of multiple materials and multiple moving parts. We talked price and design and details and came to an agreement. Over the last several months we have emailed, discussed, and evolved the design from virtual reality to what is sitting on the desk next to me looking smugly awesome.

The sonic is designed with a manual screw drive that allows the top section's resonance chamber to extend or retract by rotating the end cap. It also has the traditional pull down thumb ring but with a modern change in that only the sleeve and thumb ring move down. The ribbed setting ring section stays in place so that setting adjustments can be made while the device is in use. The mix of aluminum, derlin, brass and acrylic give this prop some serious heft. It feels like a real craftsman tool in the hand.

Pictured here are my new Teletran inspired SimplyProps sonic along with my RogueScout, ParksSabers and Millennium F/X sonics.

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Now the downside - it has to go back to Simply for some minor repairs. I trust he'll be able to make things work perfectly and since this is a learning process the only downside for me will be that I'll be parted with my new shining star of my collection for a few weeks.

Here's some more pictures.
GREAT! Like I needed any more reason to come to your house and those poor Sonic Screwdrivers. I mean you have so many it is screwing with the earth axis! Just have Simply send that to me and everything will be great.

I really like the design, and the black handle is kinda cool.......
That's really pretty awesome! :eek

I'm not usually a fan of custom stuff, but that's got a neat look to it. Plausible!

Very nice! ^_^ SP does a great job with these.

BTW, how long is the fully extended piece anyway? looks longer than I thought it would be.
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I'm guestimating and a bit over 9 inches when fully extended. I wanted to shrink the final model into the seven inch range but to properly incorporate the interior parts it had to be the size it is. The nice part is that it turned out to be a perfect fit for the hand.
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Thanks for posting the new pics with the rest of your sonic...this was by far the toughest prop I've made so far, mainly making this a functioning prop and all the crazy parts...greatwazoo was an amazing guy to work with too. If we did exactly the same as teletran's design, this would be a little shorter since wazoo wanted more length to the brass. But man, the designing and blueprinting took hours and hours...making sure they work before final machining...but I learnt a lot along the way and had fun...:)
I'm so glad you enjoyed the task and you are definitely very easy going and agreeable to work with. The end result is beautiful in photographs but amazing in person.
WHAT??? You won't support the GreatWazoo Sonic Screwdriver National Park located in beautiful SC? I already bought the property and printed flyers! I guess I should wait to put the cart before the horse.

Now about this bridge, is it screen used?
I'm guestimating and a bit over 9 inches when fully extended. I wanted to shrink the final model into the seven inch range but to properly incorporate the interior parts it had to be the size it is. The nice part is that it turned out to be a perfect fit for the hand.

Wow, it almost seems like a precursor to the classic sonic in a way with the scale. Either way I love it.
Looks great.
Makes you think that during the war he would have come up with something different than the classic. Make some necessary advancements and whatnot.
Yeah, I figure it could either be early Time War (pre coral desk top theme) or Parallel Universe...or even a CIA refinement of the Doctor's personal version.
The reworked and repaired part is on it's way back to me. Should be a week or two and the prop will be whole and working again.
Awesome looking Sonic Ron, and I love the acrylic and brass detailing when extended great design, nice to see you taking it from concept to reality.

Karst, this thing was so beautiful in the original 3D art that Teletran did I couldn't not make every effort to bring it into the real world. Thanks for the compliments. I'm really happy to have it.