New Bond Movie On Hold

I have mixed feelings. The two with Daniel Craig were both my favorite and the one I disliked the most. Maybe Bond just needs a break.
Casino Royale is among the best Bond films I've seen. Top 5 easily. Quantum of Solace was an incomprehensible waste. The editing was as bad as I've ever seen in ANY film. I literally could not tell what the **** was happening in the action sequences.

The problem is that with Quantum of Solace, they tried to make Bond into Bourne (and frankly, I was never that into the Bourne films anyway), and failed mightily. The core story left room for things to improve, but it really was BAD.

I'm sad to hear that the next film is delayed indefinitely, but I guess we can hope that another studio snaps them up.
How cheap can a studio get. It would be money in the bank.:rolleyes

It's not the potential profits. It's the up-front costs. If they don't have the cash on hand and/or can't get it, how exactly will they pay for it? It's not like they're gonna give everyone "points on the package."

This really bums me out. I am pretty unique in the Bond crowd because I love every 007 movie, and enjoy each of the Bonds for different reasons. This def. stinks for losers like me. :lol
Ok, one quick derail: for those who hated Quantum, I'd have to watch it again to come up with some good arguments, but I def. thought the movie continued the recent quest to explore Bond's emotional pallette. In fact, it was the first time we see Bond cry, actually protect a vulnerable woman without taking advantage, and still maintain his brutal edge. If you watch it while looking out for the emotional subtext, the movie makes a lot more sense.

Now back to the sad news about Bond.
They've been setting up a big confrontation with the "evil" international Quantum organization.

I'd still like to see that!
Quantum of Solace was an incomprehensible waste. The editing was as bad as I've ever seen in ANY film. I literally could not tell what the **** was happening in the action sequences.

Agreed. Even as a Dadaist sort of experiment, it doesn’t work – the nonlinear car chase.
Ok, one quick derail: for those who hated Quantum, I'd have to watch it again to come up with some good arguments, but I def. thought the movie continued the recent quest to explore Bond's emotional pallette. In fact, it was the first time we see Bond cry, actually protect a vulnerable woman without taking advantage, and still maintain his brutal edge. If you watch it while looking out for the emotional subtext, the movie makes a lot more sense.

Now back to the sad news about Bond.

that stuff I got and mostly enjoyed. I thought the villain was pretty lackluster, and the throwaway girl for the "Hey, remember Goldfinger?! Wasn't that cool?!" scene was generally, well, disposable. I saw Bond as mostly shut down in that film, emotionally. He's just being ruthless. which made sense, coming from the last film.

My problem was the action sequences, of which there were plenty, and how irritatingly incoherent they were with cuts every 0.5 seconds. I mean, when the Bourne films did that, they did it for artistic effect, to show the chaos of a fistfight. When hand held shaky cam was first REALLY used to good effect (in Saving Pvt. Ryan and many movies since), it also worked well, again, because it conveyed the frantic nature of combat.

But Quantum just took it to a ridiculous extreme to where I literally could not tell who was hitting who or even what the hell was happening at any given moment. the opening sequence in the car, there's some point where his car gets hit, I think on the door or something? As I was watching it I honestly couldn't tell where the car was hit, what hit it, and the degree of damage. It was just....loudnoise!cut!carsomething!cut!bondreaction!cut! and then more cuts.

Quantum had real potential but it squandered it for two reasons: (1) it's a 'middle chapter' that doesn't advance teh story all that much, and (2) the action was totally incoherent.
It comes as no surprise, as we've been hearing stories for a few months, but it doesn't make it any less shocking.

It's a sad state of affairs, alright.
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