new bio concept

Ok Gentleman,heres a new one, i dont found a name for it..yet

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I like the bio in post #5 only catering to it because of the ram horns and I'm an aries which I think for some reason speaks out to me in a way.
The one in post #22 is just plain awesome! It has a morphed Falcon look to it. What about "Hawk Bio" since has that Falconer look to it? Are you going to sculpt any of your bios?
The one in post #22 is just plain awesome! It has a morphed Falcon look to it. What about "Hawk Bio" since has that Falconer look to it? Are you going to sculpt any of your bios?

Thanks again Hunters! I feel i am not finished with the horned bio,its still under construction. The "Hawk bio" sounds real good, Munson you give the name
Ok,so the story is, a couple of my friends on it to make full pred suits for the autumn CosplayCon in my country,and they idea infect me also, i am on to make mine. A friend of mine was get a mysteria bio,recasted by unknown person,which was real badly deformed, and broken also,i was remake and fix that bio for him. When i was stick together the parts,got the feeling to get one for me. I just order one bio from the Lair,but the Post office seems like lose it, it was 4 weeks passed,and still nowhere. Yesterday when i was finish that "Hawk bio" drawing,i realyzed i may can make mine own sculpt. Dont know which one, but i still waiting for the bio to arrive. If someone feel to sculpt one bio from my drawings,it will be a honor for me.
This horned stuff was so much inside of me,finally its escapes from my mind to a 3D thing.. so i made this claw looking trophy from white clay. In the pictures you can see the final result casting painted.
I may stick it to a Bio, or it is good as a part of a necklace.


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I have no idea how I missed this thread, you have some great concepts for bios in here.
I especially like the crown on the last one with no name. :rolleyes: Keep it going.
Thanks again Ladies and Gents I am on the next bio, but i start to sculpt a P1 head, one mini head is droped in the corner and waiting also,so time is not enough ..
I was promise the update,but i just lost in the summer (y) Festivals,etc... but it will come soon.. btw what do you guys think about my necklace what i was sculpt ?

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