Needed: Wristwatch springbar pins -- but 1.5-2.0" long


Sr Member
I'm trying to insert metal pins into the links of my Batman Begins utility belt, for the links to pivot on. Basically it works just like a metal band of a wristwatch, so I thought -- why not use those? Those spring-loaded pins (called springbars) that watches use to attach the strap to the watch body are exactly what I need. But I need them about 1.75" long. Springbars only come up to 22mm long, so I'm not sure where to turn but here, to the masters at the RPF.

What else could I possibly use? The problem with using a straight, non-expanding pin is there is no way to insert it into the holes I drill. I need to slide it over the hole and have it spring into place. There has to be SOMETHING like this, right?
Don't drill your holes all the way through-- just put one in the top and one in the bottom of each link, maybe.
I"d suggest drilling two smallers holes and using two pins as well. Just keep in mind that springbars aren't designed to hold THAT much weight so using them to keep a utility belt together might mean lots of replacing of those pins down the road.
Thanks for the link. The belt itself is held together by a large leather strap, which is epoxied and screwed to the resin belt links. The springbar pins are merely to help with the curving of the belt.

As for the holes, the plan is to do something like this. Drill straight through the knuckle links, with a small hole in the top and bottom of each 'I' link. The red lines indicate where the pins would be.
