Need suggestions: stormtrooper-sandtrooper boots


Well-Known Member
Hi all
First I want to apologize for the big pics,because I Make this with my phone,
I want to make the boots based on this(Regent boots-$51) boots which decent enough IMO other than the expensive Loake. What do you think?



What I already noted:
1. Need to change the elastic(?) orientation-
2. Thickens the sole(?) a little bit-less than 1/2 cm
3. Make the front a little bit 'rounder',not too much
Is there anything else that I should pay attention?

Correct me if I'm mistaken,but were these boots not all the same on screen?

Thanks a lot
Those should work just fine for you. Yes, the sole could be a little thicker, but that's a hardly noticed point. I don't think you need to make the front "rounder" looks fine to me. The elastic is a little strange, but again...not a huge deal. It all depends on what you want. If you want 100% screen accurate, then I would say buy new boots, otherwise, make those puppies white and you're good to go!
Thank you!
Close enough is fine by me,but 100% screen accurate is a pleasure :D
that's why I'm will make this boots black :D
I want to reproduce this as accurate as possible,unfortunatelly I only had limited,if not only a few refference.
Thank you!
Close enough is fine by me,but 100% screen accurate is a pleasure :D
that's why I'm will make this boots black :D
I want to reproduce this as accurate as possible,unfortunatelly I only had limited,if not only a few refference.

udah lah pake vans slip on putih aja...:lol