Need help Identifying these shoes from Doctor Who

Re: Need help Identifying these shoes

a running shoe?

J/K! Can you elaborate what movie/show this is from? is it from Doc who?

Thanks WarMachine! :D The first ones look great for this!

No problem. Just trade the laces for blue ones and you've got a very close match. However, I will re-watch the episode tomorrow and take some more shots during the re-watch. Then I'll go back and have another look for you. They could be another kind of the shoe with more than one color choice. If we can't figure it out, at least you have a close enough match.

Also, anyone got any leads on the googles? Or the light bar he uses in Venice?

I was wondering this too. Both props would be great to own. I'll take a look tomorrow for these items too. Today is just too busy for me.
Its funny, in the original image posted above it looks as if the N on the shoe is solid white. But in this photo taken on set of the same episode, you can see his shoe has a solid N with a white surround. I am now searching for these.
Looks like these might be close.

Hard to tell if they're exact. Found this one also but it looks like the first pair is closer. This all over suede doesn't look as close but with the pics it's hard to tell.

Sadly, looks like either are going to be hard to find in very many sizes. I can't even tell what sizes are available at this link and it appears all of the various New Balance "stores"(I guess?) are set up the same way. I've only found one pair of the others and those are a UK 12.5.
