Need help finding a CO2 cartridge


Master Member
I have had a project in the works for a few weeks, and I just cannot seem to find the base part of it.

I cannot find the main cylinder portion to this bomb (seen below) in any store. I thought maybe paintball canisters would work, but they are the wrong shape and still pretty huge.

Anyone have any ideas where to get a cylinder like this, or if there is another type of compressed gas cylinder besides co2 that I can look for?

I just really dig the steampunk look to it.

The other cylinder is just a normal sized co2 from a pellet gun, and some wrapped wire, and a pressure gauge and I am 90% finished with it. I just need a button, some sort of connector for the main cylinder to screw into, and a button. I just can't find anything this sized.

Any helps appreciated.


We need a smiley for when you smack yourself in the forehead.

I have worked on this for about a month and a half, and not once did I think "Watergun!" despite wandering past them at least once a week while shopping. I reckon I will be doing some more shopping tonight :lol

Any ideas on the little connector doohickey that the button is on? :)
Have you tried looking for those mini fire extinguishers that are often seen attached to the inside door panals of street racing cars?

Those I did look for, but I didn't have any luck finding one with the right looking bottom piece. I was hoping to keep the same basic design as the drawn bomb, meaning the rounded bits.

Plus I wasn't entirely sure on how to empty one of those things without making a huge mess ;)
Hmmmm, looks alot like this...

Fenzy M3 air tank. Also used as the fuel bottle for the Nostromo incinerator in "Alien"
Wow that is close!!!!

That is... well, pretty much what I had in mind for this. It's nice to know it exists out there somewhere :)

Thanks for the lead!

All the local stores have taken the water guns with the tanks down.

I may have to find that tank shown above...