Need Blu-Ray screen grabs of Hawkman Rocket Cycle from Flash Gordon (1980). Help!


Master Member
Hi everyone,

I'd be REALLY grateful if anyone who owns the Blu-Ray version of Flash Gordon (1980) movie would be kind enough to capture some screen grabs of the hawkman rocket cycle that Flash rides.

This is for my Rocket Cycle model project. Please email me if you can help:

Many thanks!

I don't have the Bluray, but I recorded the HD cable version. I made some caps from that copy. I tried to get every angle, and picked frames with the least amount of blur. You can see them here Hawkman Rocket Cycle

Those are GREAT! Thanks so much for your quick turnaround on them!
Can you keep the gallery "live" until I've saved them (I'll let you know).

If anyone owns the Blu-Ray version and is able to get some screen grabs, those would still be very much appreciated too.

Thanks in advance!


Those are GREAT! Thanks so much for your quick turnaround on them!
Can you keep the gallery "live" until I've saved them (I'll let you know).


No problem, I hope it's helpful. The gallery will be up until Imagebam takes it down.