I am just now puttering with my large collection or model kits. These things have been in my closet for years due to the fact that I have no idea how to put them together and I was nervous I'd mess them up - some were a pretty penny.
I figured I'd start with something simple, so I broke the seal on my soft vinyl Jet Vtol.
I managed to remove all the flash - (ha!, didn't think I'd know that term), in order to move forward I'm hoping some of you Jedi model builders can give me some advice on what kind of glue I should use and the best paint as well. I'd also like to follow the technique of filling the hollow body with something to give it some weight. I'm not sure what's the best choice. Please help me before I ruin this thing.
thanks ahead of time
I figured I'd start with something simple, so I broke the seal on my soft vinyl Jet Vtol.

I managed to remove all the flash - (ha!, didn't think I'd know that term), in order to move forward I'm hoping some of you Jedi model builders can give me some advice on what kind of glue I should use and the best paint as well. I'd also like to follow the technique of filling the hollow body with something to give it some weight. I'm not sure what's the best choice. Please help me before I ruin this thing.
thanks ahead of time