Stripping paint from styrene?

Smiling Demon

Sr Member
I have some older kits that I did way back when and I want to get them back to the plastic so I can give them a shiny new coat of paint.
I used the Easy-Off oven cleaner and tried it after a few minutes without any result and then after an hour and now I am into days with not a good result as of yet. The paint is getting soft after a few days but doesn't want to come off easy.
I need some advice. What do you guys suggest I use?

I haven't tried it myself, so I can't vouch for how good it is (or if the styrene takes any damage) but some have used brake fluid. Also, there might be some specific brand of oven cleaner that works best... for some reason I keep thinking "Mr Clean", but maybe I saw the commericals too many times when I was a kid.

If you've used acrylics (like Tamiya) on the models, regular Ajax window cleaner will take it right off.
There is a product called "Strip-A-Kit" on the market which will take the paint right off. I haven't used it myself but I heard good things about it. I hope you can find it locally if not try the link below.

Good luck,

Use Castrol Super Clean. Works like a charm and it's cheap. It will also remove the cheesy chrome plating from plastic. It won't harm the plastic in any way but do wear ruber gloves.
Castrol Super Clean, is that like carburator cleaner?

I have an old kit I will try it on and I will let you know the results.