
Master Member
Well, this beast has been lurking in the background for a long time and my plan is to digitally model it and all the numerous kit parts at 1:1 scale and then eventually make a twice size replica of it...which by my reckoning is about 16 feet (5 m)...I know!
Problem is, there is precious little ref material for this 'Legacy' ship and all the members on here that have tackled thisare not returning my calls, for help.
I have the wondrous Marcel Leuthold from assisting me with his amazing kit bash brain and kit collection so we're off to a flying start but there are big holes in the data base. Any help with decent/rare reference would be extremely helpful
Confession; I always saw this ship and assumed that this was the head/front with the 'headlights' and the back end was the hull stack...maybe because the 'fins' are swept 'backwards' made it look like it pointed in that direction. Now of course I see that the Saturn V 'eyes' are in fact the rear engines/thrusters and it all clicked into place...stoopid

Anyway, here's where I'm at;

Tail, stern, aft etc;
NEB TAIL 1.jpg
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Its funny how this is such a strange design of a ship, but also that they weren't afraid to try some really crazy and out there deigns that have become classic.
It just seems hardly any movies these days have cool designs or that there are anything new.

I wonder if a lot of the parts of this ship were left over kit parts they didn't know what to do with, so they MADE it work to save money.
They did a pretty good job at hiding what everything really is, to me anyways, but it does look like a ton of random kits all crammed together.
The 2nd from the bottom long part on the front here, more black in color, looks like an uncovered shotgun microphone.
Good luck on trying to ID it all.....your gonna need it.
Its funny how this is such a strange design of a ship, but also that they weren't afraid to try some really crazy and out there deigns that have become classic.
It just seems hardly any movies these days have cool designs or that there are anything new.

I wonder if a lot of the parts of this ship were left over kit parts they didn't know what to do with, so they MADE it work to save money.
They did a pretty good job at hiding what everything really is, to me anyways, but it does look like a ton of random kits all crammed together.
The 2nd from the bottom long part on the front here, more black in color, looks like an uncovered shotgun microphone.
Good luck on trying to ID it all.....your gonna need it.
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I Think that was the case - they were running short on time and they needed a big ship for the med bay scene, there were a lot of leftover fuselages left over and it just grew from there - at least that's the story in 1986 from Steve Gawley - I have a picture of it in storage, I thought it was neat they only built one half of the ship -
stack 'em is right...having worked my way up most of the ship hulls in the nose section, they do seem very much like a random pile of leftover kits, albeit imaginatively put together.
So I've 'parked' the tail section until more info can be found and am working up the 'front stack'
There are definitely a few little holes on the ID side of things but we've managed to find all the big bits so far. The original kit maps from Kbilly are very useful but also lots missing...I used to wonder at those 'crazy fools' who spent weeks trying to hunt down specific little greeblies and now I'm doing it! But the sheer joy of nailing a previously unknown part is intoxicating.
Anyway here's where I'm at;

Camera side...densely populated

off camera side...not so much
Cool. There were a lot of parts added for Jedi. And some things that fell off. So on top of it's intricacies there are the two versions. That's why there are some post 1980 parts. A lot added to the non-hero side, but also a layer of "super-detailing". Quite noticeable along the hero side of the neck. They never did film the non-hero side though. Just optically flopped the hero side. The support must have been too much of a pain to work around.
Well, this beast has been lurking in the background for a long time and my plan is to digitally model it and all the numerous kit parts at 1:1 scale and then eventually make a twice size replica of it...which by my reckoning is about 16 feet (5 m)...I know!
Problem is, there is precious little ref material for this 'Legacy' ship and all the members on here that have tackled thisare not returning my calls, for help.
I have the wondrous Marcel Leuthold from assisting me with his amazing kit bash brain and kit collection so we're off to a flying start but there are big holes in the data base. Any help with decent/rare reference would be extremely helpful
Confession; I always saw this ship and assumed that this was the head/front with the 'headlights' and the back end was the hull stack...maybe because the 'fins' are swept 'backwards' made it look like it pointed in that direction. Now of course I see that the Saturn V 'eyes' are in fact the rear engines/thrusters and it all clicked into place...stoopid

Anyway, here's where I'm at;

Tail, stern, aft etc;
View attachment 1693817View attachment 1693818
great work
Hey Zap, yep I think these are probably the maps u did...not sure where I found them, but they are no longer on your build thread so wasn't sure who to thank. Did u ever get any further with your build?
Grinding along with this time consuming searching thru what little reference there is, IDing each part, measuring and modelling it and fitting it into the far the hardest ship to model so far...but progress is being made.
Finished the back side of the front stack, with all the plate clusters etc
