Narcissus Builders Club N Stuff.

Tell you what..... YOU come and babysit my kids.... I'll lay the rest of the parts out and pour rubber on them. Deal? Would be ok if folks didn't keep finding new parts. Dammit. Just waiting to hear back on the two truck kits we are missing. We knew they were from Trucks just not which ones. Of course none of the ones I have. Tonight I will do up another map of the Parts we don't have. There's not many so just Maybe Keith or someone may be able to fill in the blanks. Maybe next weekend you and Martyn come round and we can nail the rest of the molds and start pulling some kits eh?
Hi Keith.. THANKYOU very Much. I didn't get round to the part map last night will do that tonight.with the exception of a couple of pieces and the two trucks, the trans and pay stars, this is where we are at with the underside well. There are a handful of small parts on the ship but we are really close to completion.

Wow thanks Keith!

Simon I didn't get to the shop yesterday in time. Will go tonight. Probably an eBay job though.

You want pics of more rubber? Pics of more rubber happening...sooooooon. Just picture one of those scary "soon" meme gifs here, yeah?
Based on Keiths new information this is where I (and Simon) currently are:

Only a few smaller pieces are left unknown at this point. Any ideas? Most are probably from kits we already have, just need to go over them again, and again, and... :)

Up next is the area just infront:

Pretty sure the part I am talking about (red part in middle) was switched from when the first pic of unpainted parts was taken to the other screen shots.

Really? The only other pic I have that shows it is when the whole thing was in primer and I'm fairly sure it's the same piece.
I also think that same piece (With a shuttle small piece on top) is used on the next bit forward, on top of the M16 piece just behind the 223 piece. Just can't see it clear enough to be sure.


- - - Updated - - -

Yes Jason it is.
Yeh looking at it again I think it was on there, but removed before painting.
IF you look at the unpainted shot, it could be there, but it's much different once in primer.

Based on Keiths new information this is where I (and Simon) currently are:

Only a few smaller pieces are left unknown at this point. Any ideas? Most are probably from kits we already have, just need to go over them again, and again, and... :)

Here's an 'almost' full map of the underside recess, as I interpret it.... and it's always open to interpretation of course :)


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