My Tia Dalma / Calypso - Pirates of the Caribbean


New Member
Hello everyone!

I'm new to these forums, but I know many of you already. I'm just so amazed by all of the talent on here. I don't consider myself to be a prop or costume "expert", but I do enjoy trying to do things for myself. I have many costumes, but only two I have constructed myself: Pocahontas and Tia Dalma.

Tia is my pride and joy. I am no seamstress, but I managed to get this costume together. It definitely tested my patience, my courage, and my determination. It's also evolved a lot over the past couple years... and I probably will add to it as I learn more about costume construction.

From this:



To this:


And eventually this:



Right now I am happy with what I have done, but there are definitely things that I want to improve. When I look at this costume, it seems very off from what I see in the movies, but I am not quite sure what to do or where to begin to make the appropriate changes (besides a new wig). Anyhoo, while I ponder about it, I just wanted to share.
As a fellow new member here, may I be the first to compliment you on a superb costume. More pictures please, you really have the "feel" of this costume.
I'm not an expert ither, but i like it :) I really like the wig. ..i dont remember her wearing a coat, but i like that too :)

i have been trying to make my own dreaded wig off and on for about a year now. ...they are hard to make it look...natural. not wearing the wig part, but making synthetic dreads look not shiney..oh well i'm going off on a tangent sorry :)
You make a great Tia Dalma! I'm honestly not sure where you might be off though. Not that well read on her costume, but if you're looking to make improvements and you don't know where to start, do what I would. Post comparison pics here and ask for feedback. Whenever I'm stuck, I like to throw out a rope to my fellow RPFers.
I also agree, thats one awsome costume, and you make the character! You look awsome! :D
F'ING amazing! I agree with jeff. WEATHER IT! :lol

I like it a lot. My first thought (and my major complaint/critisizm of 99% of costumes from pirates) is they are too clean and perfect. Tia was dirty and unclean.

You and that costume make each other look amazing. BRAVO! :thumbsup
Ah, Tia Dalma, out and about, eh? You lend an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium.:lol Now for those of you that have provided criticism to Calypso she will cast you off to the Kraken!

NICE! I always liked those of us that work on Pirates of the Caribbean costumes! We seem to have a disease called Obsessive Costuming Disorder (OCD) which is accompanied by symptoms of Screen Accuracy Disorder (SAD)!

Hope to really see you out and about at an event!
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wow! That's what I say!! WOW! You look amazing. I do agree with the weathering side of things though. I found it very hard to weather my first costume as it was all nice and brand spanking lol Remember less is more and you can always add more but sometimes it's harder to take away. But like everyone else I wanna see more NOW!!! LOL Well done:)

Incredible costume, but I agree on the weathering.....need to dirty it up a bit. Do that and it's a dead ringer for that costume. :)

Thanks everyone! I think maybe the weathering will be a good start. Jeff, we should have a weathering party! :lol
Thanks everyone! I think maybe the weathering will be a good start. Jeff, we should have a weathering party! :lol

OK, beautiful job! I've been into propping and costuming for years, and that makes me absolutely not any kind of expert!:lol

But the costume is great, and immediately identifiable. (One of my least favorite things is working for days and days on a costume, only to be greeted by "So, what are YOU supposed to be?)

Great work!