My Starship Troopers Collection


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

I thought you might enjoy a couple of pictures of my Starship Troopers collection. Everything you see is screen used.

I have more SST stuff, but no pictures yet :)

Thanks everyone!

Great props. I love this movie (well the first one haha)...Are these all from the first movie?

Yep, everything is from the first movie.

Very nice, who did the details and inards on the Mortia? My shells need filling!

I bought the Morita completly finished from OneHotHemi. He might be able to hook you up with some inards for your shell :D
Damn, Frank!
i knew you had a nice SST collection but that is far beyond from what i imagined!
And here is the rest of my collection.

(The MI flag and the magazine to the right of the red laser tag arm band are replicas)

I also have a couple of MI trousers and boots and a second Tigers Outfit (both have the number 23) but they are in storage at the moment.

I'm also working on converting a B grade helmet to a red laser tag A helmet. It's not finished yet though.

Thanks for looking :lol
Wow! What a great collection. And the fleet helmet is great. I was told while at ProperFX they only made a few of them. The only other one I have seen the ad-on below the wing emblem was broken.
Very Cool
Beautiful collection, thanks for sharing pictures. You should join The Movie Prop Forum, The Original Prop Forum (original prop blog) and the Motion Picture Prop Company if you haven't already.

This is the movie that sucked me into that long dark road of screen used props. Great to see all your items. Major Score on the Carmen boots. I thought at one point most everything from the movie had moved through a circle of friends I have but to be honest I have never seen a pair of fleet boots. Very cool stuff.