My scratch built M41a


Sr Member

this is scratch built by myself. The only bit I didnt do is the pump shroud and pump grip. I managed to source a pair off ebay, so I could get the scale right.
I have acess to 4 vacformers at work so it was easy to make a set of formers to do my own shroud .............the rest is MDF, perspex and styrene. It'll hopefully make an appearance on 'junkyard' once my postings enable me !!
hope you like it.............
looks great,
do you have anymore pics during biulding.
love to see some if you do.
a tutorial woud be nice.:rolleyes
john :cool
Excellent job! I don't know all the details of this gun, but that looks spot-on to me.
That's amazing! :eek

If you didn't tell me it was scratch-built, I would never have known. Brilliant job! :thumbsup

I would love to make one of these myself. I've always wanted a PR.
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Absolutely incredible, dude. I applaud you. Any chance of putting up a photo tutorial of your process? I'd love to see how you did this.
Absolutely incredible, dude. I applaud you. Any chance of putting up a photo tutorial of your process? I'd love to see how you did this.

NOt sure I can really pull off a tutorial as such, I havent enough shots, but heres what I do have:

Starting off with a 1:1 scale runout of the outlines etc................

shot of the barrel etc. This is all hand cut styrene sheet, and perpex with a small ring cut from tubing for the front . The cage and handle were bought.

The main Thompson was MDF with styrene layers for details........

And I pulled my own vacforms for the shroud.


MOre details..............

and a shot of it pulled apart.
Ill happily go through any specifics if you want to ask questions !!!:rolleyes

That is one sweet build! :thumbsup Awesome work bro! Thanks for sahring that piece of art with us!

Stay safe,

Wow, thanks!!....................I was tempted to weather it but it does look pretty sweet as a new piece i think!
Has anyone ever sourced a supply of the cages ? save me casting it?
Holy Butt, dude! That is frakking amazing! Very, very nice. I'm not seeing any pictures in your first posting, but I see some in the replies and then the whole bunch on the 2nd page. But what I can see is way cool!
