my sankara stone prop. it's my first.


Active Member
hey guys,
i'm making my first prop ever. the sankara stone from indian jones last crusade. it's not finished yet. but here's some pics. so far. first pic. i started off with air drying clay. 2nd pic. i carved in the lines,and then sanded. 3rd pic in the middle of painting. tell me what yah think. i'm winging it lol.

ok after getting this thing kind a finished. i didn't like it. i felt the top needed to be more blunt. so i sanded the top more.and the sides a little. then i repainted.and a little distressing. i'm not sure if i'm done yet or not.but here it is anyway. click on the thumb nail pics. thanks.
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Very good. I would probably take some darker browns and add a mottle to the brown part and maybe some black washes or better yet crushed charcoal brushed on lightly in random areas then seal it with a clearcoat.

You would be surprised how much little details make something like this even better.

Great work!:thumbsup
thanks for the advise. what's mottle?. and can you tell me how to do the black washes? i have drawing charcoal, could that work? my painting on it aint done yet. the detailing is what's really next i think. so the more advise the better. thanks for the compliments.
mottle=to mark or diversify with spots or blotches of a different color or shade. (I'm no smarty pants I just pasted the definition from as I figured it would come across better than I could word it.:lol)

Washes can be tricky if you've never done them before.

Take black acrylic paint and thin it with some water until it becomes a fairly runny consistency then brush on and wipe away with your fingers or paper towels. It can lead to some very natural looking shading and then your can drybrush (a technique of drawing or painting in which a brush having a small quantity of pigment or medium is applied to or dragged across a surface ( again:thumbsup)) your brown color over it in places to make natural highlights over it.

As far as the charcoal take a stick and place it in several ziploc bags inside of each other and use a mallet to pound it until you have a fairly fine black powder. The extra ziploc bags are so the one bag doesn't break while pounding and make a mess everywhere. Use a brush and randomly apply some over the stone. Doing this requires you to seal it with a clearcoat of paint or else it will wipe off or get your hands dirty everytime you pick it up.

Remember these are stone and should have a fairly inconsistent, random striations and shading just like in nature.

Do a search on Sankara and study some of the pics you see and I think you'll get some ideas of what to do.

Hope this helps. Make sure to post some pics of your progress:thumbsup!
I love to see people taking on their own projects from the ground up.

Spiffy! :thumbsup

And do something about that thumb. :eek
Looks grodey. :sick
Great first effort man! Looks really good! Maelstrom has given some great tips to take it to the next level. Think of this as a great opportunity to experiment and see how things go.

Are you going to make a full set of three? Why just stop at one? You can probably use what you learn from your first build and apply it to the next in the series.

Either way, awesome start, and I'm looking forward to seeing some more progress pics!

Welcome aboard!
Hey! You got a :thumbsup post from Matt Munson! And Matt Munson is a great guy, I don't care what Micdavis says. :lol

Definitely go for making all three!

And something you can do is harden a lump of your clay and practice your weathering techniques on that!

Good luck and good job!
thanks for the compliments and great advise guys. i'm using acrylic paint any way. i'll try some of those things you mentioned maelstrom. you know i used an old aluminum can for a base to wrap the clay around it to work. i just might do all 3. i've already seen 1 thing i needed to do to that stone. and that was to make it a little fatter. i love the charcoal idea.i would like to try the holy grail cup one day out of clay. but i'm needing to finish this first.i also have some great photos of the stone from the movie. well screen captures. i've never done anything like this before. i'm also fairly new to this site. so hey to everyone here.
i'm trying to add side by side pics. here. 1 with indy holding the stone. and me holding the stone. it's saying i already have 1 of the files on here. which i do. but i want these 2 together. now i know that didn't make sense lol. ok never mind. it's added to the first pics.
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