My R2D2 - a little bit different


Master Member
This was a project I've had on the back burner for while now, picked up the garbage can probably a year ago but didn't have the time to work on this.

Decided to kill 2 birds with one stone since I also needed a new garbage can :)

Now I know this isn't screen accurate in any way, shape, or form. My goal was to try and use as many parts as I could that I happened to just have lying around in the workshop.

I found a file online for an R2D2 skin and had a friend print it out for me on vinyl. I started off by cutting the can down to match the size of the skin. Unfortunately the can wasn't the same circumference at the top as it was at the bottom so I had to modify the skin a bit to make it fit.

IMG_0094.JPG IMG_0093.JPG

Next I cut the bottom off a plastic bowl to attach to the bottom and cut some stir sticks to make the little ridges. Quick coat of primer and paint and I was ready to apply the skin.

IMG_0099.JPG IMG_0101.JPG

I made the legs by stacking 2 pieces of 3/4" plywood and used a few more pieces of 1/2" for the feet. I also attached a few small castors to each leg to make it mobile.


For the projectors I used some plastic Easter eggs and some lids from a couple of cans of mold release. Shot em with some silver paint and I was happy with how they turned out.


I freehanded the pieces for the dome out of blue vinyl.


I still have a few things left to do on him, but overall I'm really happy with how he turned out. And the best part? My total cost was under $20 :)

Thanks for looking!
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Thanks all, he was quite fun to make.

The issue with making more of the vinyl skins is that the file I found online was a jpeg so when you get up close, the lines aren't as sharp as they could be. If someone happens to have a nice quality vector file - then I could make that happen :)
Thanks all, if I can find time to do it I'd like to add some lights and maybe make him sound activated when you push the lid :)
Wow! From those photos, you could never tell he used to be a garbage can! Great job! And don't forget to keep us updated on the lights, sounds, etc.
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